
Not meaning to sound too snide here, but why wouldn't you move to a state where it is legal, at least in medical channels, rather than risk state punishment? And yes, I know not everyone can just up and move, and it is likely she stays where she is due to her support system, but as far as an incentive to move, this

Unlike the plane which tried to land at Birmingham in the crosswinds, there is no "abort" feature to a truck. This is a section of road that would appear in dire need of a good wind break being installed.

I think it would be more dangerous going from an area of wind (above the barrier) to an area of no wind (below the barrier) than not having one to begin with. That isn't counting the massive turbulence layer that the top of the barrier would cause.

I can't read 'Time Capsule' and not think first of the Apple product. It is just such an ingrained thing to me at the moment. Maybe someone should put a Time Capsule IN a time capsule. Maybe the world would get stuck in a time/space paradox that we could never release from...

How is nothing in Detroit listed here??

Not to be crass, but doesn't it strike you (no pun intended) that the solar array would be destroyed in a tsunami?

Just got a little back story from my boss - nothing fit for a public posting - but it sounds like Alex has had some substance problems for a while now, sad though, nonetheless. Regardless, he was a nice guy and it wasn't until years after meeting him that I found out he was the founder - I always had just thought he

So...kinda like Walmart?

Sad - met him a few times when staying at the Ace in PDX. My boss knew him quite well.

Bought one on Wednesday. Returned it today. Decided my iPad 3 with LTE was still just as competent. Will wait for the iPad with Retina(S).

Beer and backpacking mix. My buddies and I almost always carry in a 6-pack, or a litre of wine (this on 4-day, 40-mile backpacking trips). Some luxuries are worth their weight, and a almost-cold beer at the end of a day can do more than all the moleskin you might be carrying for some sore-feet blister relief.

Yeah....but the large open hole of flames is a bit threatening. Also, you'd be surprised what a sugar-infused 3yo can shift when they want to.

Look toddler friendly....

Console history....


Now playing

Depending on the plane, short take offs and landings are pretty easy. Here is a Cub EX doing each in ~10'. Headwinds will also reduce the amount of distance needed for either.

Pre touch sensor, I had it set to lock after 4hrs. Post touch, I have it set to auto lock.

We've been using Glacier as our disaster recovery backup at work for about a year, using Arq as the client. So far, no disasters, so haven't had to test recovery, but at the point where our building has collapsed in the big 'quake, speed of recovery and cost are non issues. We'll (those of us that are alive at

Will either have a PLEX client?