@Monolith: Go with the droid x you will NOT be disappointed. If only for the awesome screen size. I am obviously the proud owner of one, and even with small hands, it feels perfect for me.
@Monolith: Go with the droid x you will NOT be disappointed. If only for the awesome screen size. I am obviously the proud owner of one, and even with small hands, it feels perfect for me.
@kaffenated: Beautiful and amazing or not, i'm still hungry.
@nacatak: by that logic your mom should wear her bikini to work.
I thought it looked cool in the first picture....and then it just got trashier and trashier as i looked at the next few pictures.
@blyan-reloaded: Until of course, another company comes out with the same specs in a prettier package two months after you buy this one.
In regards to acting out chainsawing soldiers and zombies....i was
FACT. All women with iphones have beards.
@TheEasyButton: As an owner of the droid X, it really does depend on what you use it for. If your sitting playing games and surfing the web...your lucky if you get five hours. But if your doing that, you should have a portable charger handy no? usually when i go to sleep (i text, read ebooks, listen to music and surf…
@Unholy_Hero: At least in my circles, MW2 is seen as crap compared to Cod4 and battlefield. I'm also a PC gamer, so thats a lot of my beef, but i really didn't think it was THAT good. Not their best game.
you know with a dpad and a couple buttons, running NES emulators on here would be epic.....just saying. The bezel is big enough......It's like a skinny gameboy with the emulators :D
@Dr. Evil Genius: The Fall of House Atlantic: Well you could always get a bluetooth keyboard.
I wonder what would happen if they gave all new wp7 device holders a year of XBL for free? Or even two years? Be realistic here i know, but would the tradeoff of 120 bucks be worth the possibility of sucking in more users? If i had an android or an iphone, XBL is the only thing that would draw me close to wm7. That…
@Willard Fillmore: which is still not terrible.
Too bad it doesn't run regular android apps. I sorely wanted to download a kindle app. Oh well, it would have been fun, maybe they will hack this since it is running android?
@hhhtseng: Ya i have tried playing games on pc during a long flight....I mean unless your first class, things just get cramped. First off there is no decent place to use a mouse. If you think the trackpad is good enough for gaming you should be shot. If there is a person sitting on the chair to your right, you might…
@walkingagh: Really though who needs laptops when you have your smartphone? Everything you REALLY need can be powered via usb. I sincerely wish they would do this. Not much i can't do on my phone that i can do on a laptop. Especially when confined to an airplane.
Would that make Video out any better to stream if you put it on a phone (streaming to a larger tv)? I mean the Zune hd can do something similar, but theres a process. It's easier to not switch resolutions no? Also if i were to stick this on a phone/tablet would it eat battery alive? Does 30 percent brighter mean less…
@RobotVampire: Go build a complete new one. Newegg is your friend. If you want you could even re-use youre HD and dvd drive. Save yourself some dollars. And of course it sounds like you may already have windows installed on that hard drive? boom. More money saved.
@Dancing Milkcarton: I have the same mindset, but I still have to admit that the new internet explorer is nice......I mean its no Opera or Chrome, but it is nice.