Finally i can cite my sources without my professors having to have a kindle to check them! Wohoo!
Finally i can cite my sources without my professors having to have a kindle to check them! Wohoo!
When they scan the book, they will note the page number and incorporate it into the text. So you may have a page number in the middle of your screen, at least that is how i would do it....Make the page number very small and unobtrusive though.
@Irving94: There is no final with android, there is only customization.
Wow. I really really hope they come out with a wifi version of this. Please make it so! I would pay 750 for this thing. Those are some pretty good specs.
@envador: That means OVERCLOCKING!
@RubiksCube: I see what you did there.
@GamerKT: If you don't go online that often, then you don't need live, and i might also suggest that the reason you don't go online that often is because going online on the ps3 and wii is torture.
@redman042: I am willing to concede that SOME of the guns may be fake, but with a rig that big, you know this guy has money. They could very well all be real. You cannot tell from a picture. If you think you can, the picture had better be a ridiculously high quality picture. I grew up in North Dakota, where everyone…
Technically there is a way.....don't get a facebook profile?
@hatesninjas: counter rant ensuing. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? /rant over
As an avid LoL player, i wholeheartedly support this. If you haven't played the game, check it out. It is EXTREMELY competitive. You must work with your teammates and you must rely on them, it is hard to carry a team all by yourself. Because of this, it is easy to lose your cool when you have idiots on your team. I…
@CaffineFreakUs: Excellent point. And really who cares about the apps? if i could play red alert two on that tablet i would be sold. Windows seven doesn't need apps. They have what you call programs. As long as the battery life is decent on these things count me in. There are some ifs, but if they sort them out this…
@DaCrusher: one word: Xbox. One more word (acronym): wp7. Another win...i mean word with a number: Windows 7. Oh and i could also throw zunepass in there too. Your fanboy eyes seem to skip over the Wins from Redmond. Just saying. I'm not taking anything away from Apple, they are very good at what they do. Just don't…
@jblues: That would be awesome. Follow it up with C3pO translating and i would buy that.
So i can finally talk to Cortanna!!!!!!
@m57: I HATE flat. There that was the last time.
@The Lab: That just made my day.
How much data do i use when i play LoL and COD for a few hours a day?
@TheNobleRobot: Oh a plus one to you sir!