
@Alex Kaloostian: Really? Who actually buys Antivirus? I've been a PC user for ten years and i've never ever had a virus. Been using free or no antivirus the whole time. And yes i have gone to some questionable sites. Also Microsoft has already released a more than capable free antivirus/malware/everything.

I always pictured myself as a knight if i were to live in the middle ages. I now have changed my mind. I want to be a town artist.

@reuthermonkey: Umm I'm curious what carrier has better all around reception than Verizon that would cause me to "switch to a competitor?" Granted thats a location question personalized to the coverage in your area, but overall. VZW is the best. The only reason you would switch is if you never left your house or town,

Did anyone else read through the one line "This is for you. Yes, you, the one hiding behind that desk in the #corrections room." five times in order to see if they could find any mistakes to point out just to be "that guy?" I did. I thought it would have been slightly ironic.

@Alfisted: you know just to prove a point, someone somewhere is going to do that.

I was disappointed that while scrolling through the comments i didn't see the following. So here goes.

meh show me this and i'll be happy.

@doggdiggity: Maybe they will? you mean they will be racing to android. Who in their right mind would get an iphone with ATT? Att is going to need ever phone they can get once their exclusivity is gone.

@JacK Aisher: So if they happened ages ago why would they report on it now? This is still an ongoing thing here, not "ages ago." Just saying.

@Korrupt: so it's very similar to the war going on right now. I could get a mac with mac software, or i could get one of NUMEROUS windows options with VARYING (as in i could get a computer under 500 dollars) prices and specs. More options for windows, less options for macs. The same is transferring over into the

oh dear....well i guess the bathrooms will finally be used as...um....... bathrooms.

"it makes a lot sense" It makes a lot of sense. #corrections

@707kevin: As an avid hunter/sportsman i have shot a lot of guns, i realize the bullet they are using is a little different, but could you please instead of insulting us explain? I myself am curios, i've shot rounds into water and seen them ricochet, i never considered shooting into ice.....From the distance he shot

@crazypills77: No kidding. The quality of girls in this country is drastically declining.

Oh and i also may or may not have clicked on the video for the sole reason that the girl is cute....don't judge me.

@Kamatari +: correction, i think you meant fun....gun in NY will get you jailed no? :D It would have been awesome though!

@Beavertank: I commented pretty much the same thing, maybe the lifestyle isn't for everyone, but the things he has seen and learned, the places he's been, the experiences he's had.....you can't buy those!