
Wow, color me a little bit Jealous! He gets to travel the world, have a blast, work doing what he loves, not have to worry about paying the bills because he has no home. As long as the economy holds up where he's at, thats pretty cool. How can you possibly hate this guy? maybe the lifestyle isn't for you, but life is

@pixelpushing: mmm ya that would be a lot of apps....I mean how many millions of dollars did they blow on that? How many millions would it take to hire 50 programmers? 100? 500? Millions sure, but how bad do they want it? They are coming from behind and need an edge, why not give themselves that edge?

But ummm......Wouldn't the people you made sick in war just be more pissed after you took over? Would you rather die for your country, or be in agonizing pain and sickness, lose, and then live out the rest of your days in occupation? A certain braveheart scene comes to mind......

@kimchi43: I think you mean consistency (BBT)! Seriously though, i'm not saying LIMIT the apps to a microsoft division, i'm saying put a microsoft division together to make different apps for wp7 to add to the mix already there. Have different teams making different apps, you know mix it up!

@blyan-reloaded: I don't think a lot of people will switch over to wp7 until next year, i personally just got a droid x, so i'm not about to switch, but if it looks good in a year or two....i probably will. I think the only people who will jump on wp7 are older android and winmo device users with a lot of disgruntled

@blyan-reloaded: of course, in the end it does, but as far as wp7 is concerned this is the beginning, i'm not saying in the end they won't have choices, but i am saying as long as all bases are covered with a few choices, then you should be set.

@C3PA: Implementation (must be good implementation though) of Microsoft Office should be enough to convert the (pardon the pun but...well look at the name :) office, and xbox live integration (not to mention some sweet looking games so far) is probably more than a match for the kid gaming crowd. And if i can have my

@Ian Logsdon: you shouldn't have told him....it was better left unsaid.

@blyan-reloaded: At launch? you bet they will be useful! Why would they not be? You have to put your best foot forward.

@blyan-reloaded: But how many of those are copy-cat apps? As in apps of different price ranges offering the same service (albeit with different features)? You can't tell me there are 20,000 different services. Thats just not possible. A lot of those apps are going to be games, and a lot of them are going to be music

Ok, maybe i'm just way out in left field here, but couldn't microsoft, along with spending millions on advertising, put together a microsoft division that is dedicated to JUST making wp7 apps? Would that be absolutely way more cost than its worth? I look at it as a form of development though. It IS all about the apps,

@Norbs: ah....its not even really out yet is it though? Geepers how late to this party am I!? sounds like a good time.

@Norbs: dang it i was late to the party, what happened!?

@Dancing Milkcarton: We shall see. I think there was an "ooohhhh Ahhhhh" kind of view of wp7, but i don't know if thats one of those things you get tired of or not. As long as being pretty doesnt get in the way of functionality it's fine by me.

@pmbaustin: I cannot agree with you more. I have android, which i love, but i would get a zune hd2 so fast if it was a winpho7 running device of course.

@C3PA: Can't you do more than one thing well? Or are you implying it's likely no one will believe they can do more than one thing well? Or are you implying they have to market to one or the other for them to sell well?

@SAThorn: Well for those people who HAVE to stick with windows phones for work, i'm sure these handsets will sell like hotcakes. I think a lot of people went blackberry, and a few went android, but i'm thinking there are a few windows 6.5ers out there yet waiting for the jump. And honestly if i didn't have my droid x

@Marcus Cadwell: Look at his comment. "I mean, I like a big ass screen, but not when I have to carry it in my pocket all day long." So he likes the screen, but doesn't like the idea of it being in his pocket. I simply stated that unless you wear tight pants, theres not a huge difference, my droid x is actually very

@sam-a: i feel like i should be able to challenge one of my friends to a tetris match, put some money on it, and give him the laptop with the "Bastard Mode" on it. :D