
Please keep your drops of Uranium 235 to yourself.

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)

When they pay $300 for something

OK. Serious discussion on titles and labels. IMO, an IT guy, a keyboard jock, is not an engineer. He took computer language and programming classes in school. Likely no physics, no chemistry, no electrical engineering...none of the classes other engineers are required to take. Back in the day, they were called

You’re wrong. The Oroville Dam is not damaged at all.

Would be nice if you actually got the information correct! Your title is super misleading - it is not a “Badly Damaged Orville Dam”, but a Badly Damaged Spillway. Also - it is not the Emergency Spillway that was flowing for weeks, but the actual Normal Spillway - which is meant to release water regularly. Please get

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.

Kinda like woeeee, woeeeee, woeeeee, blk, blk, blk, blubbwoeee, woeee, woee,woeee, bgkla, blkg, blka, woooeeee,woeeee, woeeee, wooeeeeeee, blkal, blkal, blummmmpurrr, wooeeeeee.

Statute of frauds requires a writing. Here, check. The writing must be signed by the person to be charged with the agreement or by someone authorized to sign for him. Here, check. These days, courts routinely find emails to constitute signatures. And the salesman also had apparent, if not actual, authority. Double

Let me be clear about this: an email is not a contract. While putting the price in writing puts some level of obligation on the part of the dealership, they are not legally required to honor that quote once you arrive. 


The triggering is strong with this one...

shes not a token shes in charge

You’ve clearly never played CoD on console.

I’m probably in the minority, but I hate those headlights.

It’s probably not the “ugliest ever”, but the 458 was just kinda weird looking. It had a lot of interesting details that just didn’t work very well together IMO.

Yeah I tend not to care what people do with their own shit on their own property. If you get mad because someone has a car in their driveway that hasn’t moved in months, that’s your problem, not theirs.

Ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it is because of all of the money they spend in California on social services to those that have never payed a cent in?

I don’t know about other cities, but in Chicago all the Lyfts and Ubers have Lyft and Uber stickers on their windshields and back glass, so unless you’re just completely not paying attention (or just really drunk - we’ve all been there) it should be pretty easy to spot your ride here.