
"Pardon me stewardess, I speak Jive."

And TLC didn't teach us about attention whoring moms and their fat inbred ex-pagent kids.

CNN? I remember when CNN had news. I think it was when the History Channel had history and MTV had music.

Must be awesome...the two soldiers are giggling like little girls.

"No amount of excellent life choices will help you when you start with nothing." Are you kidding me? I've seen plenty of success stories from scratch, myself included. And the "white people" comment? More bullshit. I grew up dirt poor with a single mother. I'm white. My mom taught me and my siblings right from

WTF is it with embedded auto-play videos lately? Cut that shit out!

WARNING I am going to get political:

I absolutely support gay marriage and believe it is a constitutional right, but the oft parroted claim that someone not supporting gay marriage means they don't support human rights is hyperbole/weasel words used by political advocacy groups to shame others of different opinion into acquiescence.

I always thought they were powered by the rider's sense of self-importance.

I'll take it! Then promptly do this:

Back in the '80's I ordered a new car. The salesman called me on a Friday night and told me the car was in. I drove over to see it, and was anxious to get it the next morning. When I arrived, we did all the paperwork, and then went to get the car in the prep area. The dealer had drilled holes and screwed one of his

hey top gear us is actually pretty decent.

Dear god, that thing is ugly.

If the F-Type gets 7/10 for value, I fully expect the 2014 Corvette get 14/10 in the same category

We had heard rumors yesterday that Asiana was considering legal action because of the incident, but today they confirmed that is what they will do. The airline says that the report did "major damage to their reputation."

It's one of those pre-frozen Asian lunches. I think this one is "engineer" flavor.

In fairness to the PT cruiser, it's biggest problem is that they sold it for 10 years without ever updating it. (Which is a LOOOONG time for a cheap car).

Oh no people are being assholes about a tragic event.