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    Yea it also stops at 500 lb-ft and falls like a stone after 5,500 rpm... this thing keeps going up to 650 lb-ft

    because it can... ohhh I don't know... actually go around a corner?

    I believe that term is reserved strictly for V6's that go in the rear

    I think they left the i to distinguish gasoline power cars from their diesel cars, which get a d (even though diesels are obviously injected too)

    That drives me nuts when a dealer doesn't know something about their own damn car. It's literally your job to know the specification of the car and be knowledgeable enough to answer consumer questions. Not knowing something as basic as the type of engine is just blatant incompetency.

    I might get some flak for this.. but I actually like the C7's exhaust over the F-Type. No doubt the F-Type is amazing... but there is almost a smooth growl to the sound of the 'Vette that is absent in the more hammer/machine gun type sound in the F-Type.

    Is anyone else wondering how in the heck that thing got in there?? I assume it just used its acid blood to burn a hole in the plastic before it jumps on someones face.

    Considering the current fatass Zeta Camaro handily beat every comparable Mustang around a track.. I'd say the this next gen Mustang is screwed. The base ATS sedan is only 3315 lbs so I doubt the Alpha Camaro will be over 3600 with an LT1 vs this new Mustang which looks like its pushing 3800-3900.

    That was terribly hard to watch... who would do that to such a car?? Jersey really is the sweaty armpit of America

    Well it still runs (barely) so I'd argue its actually better mechanically than most UK built vehicles at 100K.

    Agreed... those front orange reflectors really look nasty on a lot of cars

    I've also noticed that a lot of newer Audi's, BMW's, and Merc's use the separate turn signal portion exactly as the Euro versions, but here they use red LED's instead of amber... and I don't know why... I mean if amber is legally allowed I would think it would be cheaper to produce just one taillight assembly for the

    That's exactly what I was thinking. I think he was just trying to give it enough gas to engage the clutch because the rest of the time he was parking the car seemed kinda jerky too.

    Anything ever said in a car review in Consumer Reports

    I would do truly unspeakable things to own that car

    Ahhh gotcha. At least in my experience, it appears that most squatters in the US are not doing it for fun. They are doing it to mooch a free place to live and they feel no responsibility to "repay" rent in the form of fixing up the property. Unfortunately, the structure of property law in the US can make it very

    Squatting tends to have very different perceptions in the US and UK. From my understanding in the UK squatting is sometimes seen in a positive light, because people are making use of otherwise abandoned properties and maintaining them. In the US however, squatting is looked at negatively, as most Americans immediately

    Well squatters have no incentive to keep the house clean and perform upkeep/repairs. These squatters are slowly destroying this house (and more importantly, its value) because they are living there illegally. The bank absolutely should kick them out. If there really are houses available for $1000, then there is no

    That's where the Jordan Belfort types keep their cocaine