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    @Chewbenator: not to mention I would rather not have a piss smell coming from my freezer

    @MauricioHavok: isnt that how rechargeable batteries work? after they discharge they magically are full of energy again??

    how did they even prove that these (as many people pointed out) relatively small number of deaths (compared to their total populations) are actually caused by burned jet fuel?

    so does this fix the fact that iTunes 10 froze more than windows 98??

    If anyone ever asked me what a car sounds like when it orgasms... I'd say that..

    @JonZeke: Ehh what's the point... everything will still be "under construction" aka all but one of the lanes closed with no one working on them

    what exactly is the difference between the mino and the ultra?

    Not surprising... considering they were the first car manufacturer to offer iPod docks in cars, although i dont know why you would mount your iphone directly over the iDrive screen....

    @PossibleCabbage: you aren't telling every single person you know what you are doing at every second of every day

    Isn't this what the machines used to spy on Neo?? This proves the existence of the matrix, the machines are spying on us!

    @bwaaarcode: wrong... you must have a small penis if you are going to have that tiny bike seat up your ass for hours at a time

    Just because this one has a manumatic doesn't mean it is not going to be an option

    @blyan: its pretty close... if you measure it out using that line its about 3 and half of those three micron lines long... aka around 10-11 microns which isnt all that far off

    @Yamato: don't forget the tin foil on your head

    @Blitzschnell: doesn't mean they have to obey the sticker