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    "ahhhh shit... grandma parked the merc halfway up the building again...."

    btw i like how the anchor is horribly centered

    question... if Mercedes can make a 4 door coupe/shooting brake/wagon/thing why is Porsche unable to??

    I feel like the 5 series would be a little easy to spot... since they like... arn't available to the public yet...

    what an idiot... why would you take half of what its worth... yea it might have been a little more trouble on the open market but any trouble from that would well be worth the extra $30k

    anything ever made by toyota, or lexus....or honda, hyundai, or... actually any car made in asia

    Ha... hit by a "dodge"... how ironic

    @verdegrrl: shit those things were perky

    @LilEvilFish: idk whats worse... that or the Vauxhall Astra diesels...

    is a working transmission included in these new "standard features" ?

    that sound... yes just yes

    @elwood: sounds like someone is a little jealous that GM's got the better engine

    @DrLemming: while it is hard to overhype a 550+ hp wagon that is bound to be awesome, i do agree that it is quite ugly, reminds me of a Caddy hearse

    is there a cliffs notes version?

    yikes that thing is ugly, i'd be willing to say a current 5-series looks better than this japanese fish (let alone the new 2011 model)

    well you need that 735 ft-lbs of torque to carry around that 4000 lbs of ugly on the grill

    I can't wait to see this take on an M3

    ummm what kind of enthusiast drives a toyota??? this affects what.. 4 people in the world?? anyone who drives one of these boring slush mobiles is hardly what i would call an enthusiastic driver.....