Hummer H1 Alpha #qotd
thats completely obnoxious.... who puts 900+ hp in a fwd car.... can you say torque steer?? #chrisradosciontc
too bad this thing is uglier than a Gumpert.... #ultimagtr
clearly the touareg and the tesla were getting it on and the ugly prius was jealous and tried to get in on the action.... #tesla
In Russia.... bus get hit by pedestrian.. #russiancrosswalk
who buys a GT-R after an M3? can anyone say downgrade?? #usainbolt
so is whale penis leather really soft or something?? I don't care how soft or comfortable those seats are, I would never be comfortable sitting in it....
@alexander_the_car_salamander: That is a Lada Niva, there was a story a while back on how the Russian president drives one
In Russia, obstacle get stuck on truck!
Wow those Lexus's sure are gunna look classy with the zip ties holding them together
@WPIGuy: because its a mazda...
@uncleben: No its just that the only people that buy these are rich ricers that have moved up from their tuned civics, which we all already know as terrible drivers
so what is this going to be called the "018" or just "18" (just guessing a 1.8 L engine) or what?? I mean James May clearly pointed out that the 1 series is the smallest car BMW can make because they have run out of numbers....
@HomieDClown: just as well as that equipment belt does
@IH_kumicho: Hey don't be hatin on BMW just for what C&D did. Say what you want about the looks but this car certainly is not a POS. What BMW did in the X6 is pretty amazing, that big heavy SUV can handle like a mid-size car while still retaining some offroading ability (granted I know many SUV's can do much better…
you know a car is fugly when a crappy ricer tuning kit actually makes it look significantly better.....
@superbadd75, with electrolytes!: I'm just saying it seems ridiculous to pay that kind of money for a car that is made by a company that does not know how to make luxury cars when for the same money you could get a real luxury car from an actual luxury automaker
@tonyola: Yes but that is a Mercedes, imagine pulling up next to a $10k Accent in this thing, then you'll probably feel pretty silly
$122,180 for a POS Hyundai?? Are you kidding me? Who would be stupid enough to pay that kind of money for a car with a knockoff S-Class front end and you stereotypical asian taillights?? Yikes!