
I know I'm not the OP, but I feel like the DCEU is divided between those who love Snyder, and those who are glad Whedon is taking over (and possibly being groomed to be the "Feige" for WB/DC). Snyder fans are worried Whedon will "marvelize" the tone of DC films, so they're totally looking for any shred of evidence

But…Tyene was just as responsible for the murder of Myrcella, whereas Myrcella was wholly innocent and simply collateral damage. So, I'd say Tyene had it coming.

93% - actually at 94% now - just means 93% of critics who reviewed are recommending that you go see the film. It's not a measure of how good the film is.

I agree, especially as his character has been mostly reactive (to Wednesday, Laura, etc.) and not proactive in any way so far. I'm sure he'll be alot more interesting in S2, and I'm really excited for that.

Great list…but let me just say, this is the 2nd article I've read this week that mentions American Gods as great tv and goes on to list the actors doing strong work on the show, and both mentioned Ricky Whittle and not Pablo Schreiber. Nothing against Whittle, but he was probably the weakest link (as a character and

Couldn't agree more. I'm definitely more willing to support bubbly enthusiasm than lazy 'whatever' that disregards nuances of characters and motives. :)

I think I know which one you're referring to, and yeah, he kept saying, "She's a bitch." "She's a bad person…a bitch." And instead of feeling angry and firing off an accusatory letter to them, I just felt depressed and sad that people like that need female characters to somehow fit into a box in order to be palatable…

Thank you! I'll definitely check her out!

Yep, I've since picked up on that, and moved over to listening to others. I've honestly yet to find a good podcast that dives deep into the episodes - Joanna Robinson is a great podcaster, but her AG one listens more like a recap of the episode than anything else. :/

It's pretty rampant in other social media realms as well…notably how fans feel sorry for Sweeney and how Laura may never know he sacrificed his coin for her, and that makes the fandom SAD. :((((( Meanwhile, they conveniently seem to forget that he tried to kill her twice, tried to bully his coin back from her using

I totally ship it, and I'm pretty shameless about it. I think they have way better chemistry than Laura and Shadow, and feel like Laura is more herself around Sweeney than she ever really was with Shadow. I'm not expecting a romance between them at all, but it's fun to ship them, anyway. :)

I agree…and I honestly believe having Harris in the role could've changed the lopsided dynamic a bit between Mad Sweeney and Laura. Nothing against Harris, he's great, but aside from the fantastic chemistry between Schreiber and Browning, I find that their massive height difference adds a lot to the dynamic that is

I agree. Nowadays, it seems like if a show doesn't hit on some aspect of the sociopolitical or cultural climate (or if it does as well), it's maybe not viewed as "relevant" or worth talking about, or doesn't fit some "prestige" threshold. I just want my shows to be entertaining and engaging. These days, you can't get

Agreed, I thought he was great in GOTG 1, especially at the end when he saw his mom say, "Take my hand…" When he cried, I cried.

I usually find the jokes/quips in Marvel films actually funny, too. This is just mini-collection of Michael Bay jokes here.

Exactly. The jokes/quips are so flat and basic. I'd be pressed to even call it "snark"…

Right, like a prequel. Can you imagine if the show we got had Danny fully evolved as the Iron Fist with his origin stuff in flashback cuts? Like how Matt, Jessica and Luke were fully evolved with their powers when we first saw them, I think it's interesting that Marvel chose Danny to be the odd man out in this

To be fair, though, I think Marvel intended for this installment to be sort of a "half-origin" story - meaning that we're introduced to Danny and he's already got the iron fist, but he's not ready-made as THE Iron Fist yet. We'll see him fully embody that, emotionally, mentally and all that, later on down the line.

Someone speculated that the reason Scott Buck was chosen was because he handles familial dynamics really well. Personally, I don't know because I've never watched Dexter, but I do know that, partially, at the center of that story is Dexter's relationship with his sister. Here, I do think that the relationship between

Haha, and he broke that vow so easily, too. I was expecting a little bit of inner turmoil with that, and was like, "ohhh…kay" when HE was the one who checked with her on having sex. Either bad writing, or Danny reaaaallly wanted to see what the fuss is about. Joking aside, I really do wish the show made it a bigger