
Co-sign. I think the scene that had me in their corner was the nunchaka scene a few episodes back because it kinda speaks to what you've mentioned with their innocence/idealism. Like, of course, Danny would be all, "let me show you what I can do!1! cos I want you to like me cos I like you", and then Colleen finding

True, you rarely do see that nowadays. I think they'd have an interesting chemistry for sure, and I'd be curious to see how they interact in Defenders. But Ironwing (great ship name)! This is a case where I'm glad Marvel deviated from canon, and it's largely worked. I think if Misty was on IF, it wouldn't have felt as

"I think what makes the Danny/Colleen relationship work is the sweetness of it, which isn’t a quality Marvel tends to go for in their live action romances (they usually aim for zippy banter instead). In that way it reminds me of one of my favorite and most under-appreciated MCU romances, Bruce and Betty in The

Personally, I can't see them as a couple at all in this MCU version, mostly because Misty is so much more mature, a bit older, wiser and Danny's like a 13-year old kid so I don't think even Marvel will try to wedge them together for the sake of sticking to canon. Plus, I agree - Danny/Colleen are disgustingly cute

I don't know if you saw recent filming pics, but there was one of Claire holding a bouquet of flowers with Luke next to her, presumably he gave them to her. They looked really happy. I'm just nervous Claire will die in the Defenders series.

I want to say I'm pretty sure that won't happen? The one thing that assures me of this is how the Defenders has got Colleen in all 8 episodes for that series, which tells me that they saw the potential there while filming IF and bagged her for Defenders. If they wanted Danny/Misty, I don't think they would've ensured

I don't know how that proves we're not seeing a non-linear narrative. We know Dolores is off her loop (presumably in the present time) because Bernard told her to find the maze. While it's true that Teddy has a new narrative and never went back with Dolores to the ranch, the non-linear timeframe still holds as Dolores

Well, we did see her wearing a gray hat in a trailer for a future episode, but you know, in the opening credits, they show a female host on horseback wearing what looked like something stolen out of Marilyn Manson's wardrobe? I think (hope) that a hint towards Dolores.

Totally agreed - I'd feel more gutted if Maeve died than Dolores at this point, but Dolores does seem to be the key to moving everything forward. Conclusion: neither should die!

Zack was being generous, I thought. That was a D- in my book.

My "feeling" with Dolores is that she seems like a wild card - someone that can end up using her knowledge or power for something bad as much as for good. I think there's a reason why she's more abstractly drawn than Maeve, who is more like the audience, trying to figure things out while being emotionally perplexed by

My thoughts on Jaime reinforcing how he would do anything for her, even kill, is essentially to show later on how he actually probably *wouldn't*, not if it means laying waste to an entire city as a means for her revenge. I think it's crucial to show that Jaime loves her and have him, as a character, believe it so

But I think the point is that he's not disillusioned by Cersei at all. He's so Team Cersei right now, that making it about Cersei makes sense. In the books, yes…but here, the show essentially changed things by doubling-down on Jaime/Cersei ever since Cersei told Tywin and Jaime that she'd tell the world about twincest

I don't agree that Jaime is reverting to S1 Jaime at all. I think this ep showed the nuances in which Jaime has developed over the series to create a situation in which he fairly rationally maneuvers an outcome without violence and bloodshed. His speech to Edmure was done to play into Edmure's belief (and everyone

Marvel's acquired enough "good faith" from the audience that I think they'll continue being a successful franchise, as long as they don't throw in an absolute shitshow film…kinda like what Pixar's built over the years.

This trend is insane, and like someone mentioned upthread, alot of studios are putting way too much stock into their first film kicking things off without the proven success…like Ghostbusters. Here's a list of what cinematic universes are coming our way:

Yes, thank you. I don't even know if I can take the other comments all that seriously if they can't grasp the idea that Marvel's approach with the MCU is akin to a television show. A very long television show with the "phases" as "seasons", if you will.

Because she's gonna bone Luke Cage? That's the simple answer. The obvious answer is: she's not meant to be with Matt.

Gah, I loved the scene on the stoop. In a perfect world, Matt/Karen would be well on their way into the sunset, but I do anticipate and am excited for how their seemingly perfect relationship will be systematically torn down once they know the truths about each other. And yea, I'm a sucker for angst, and I'm fully

I totally agree with you that Matt/Karen, to me, have loads of chemistry - it's just that their story is predicated on false pretenses, so it appears "forced". I think they have a lot more story to tell with their relationship…However, I disagree with you about Matt being love with Elektra: