
Good. In a just world she would have this follow her for the remainder of her days. Fucking white people feeling aggrieved gets funnier and funnier to me and especially today after rewatching chappelle’s recent Netflix specials.

It’s nice of Georgia to remove Atlanta from the running for Amazon HQ2.

1982 Porsche 911 (unknown model) in a carport in rural VA.

And we patiently explain that harming the economic livelihood of people you disagree with isn’t a means of debate, it’s a form of coercion.

For all the conservatives talk of “freedumbs” and “land of the free”, anytime someone uses their “freedom of speech”, or “free market choice”, to stand up and tell them what they don’t want to hear, they sure do hate it and do everything in their power to punish them for it.

That’s not how blog titles work. They have to be click-bait bullshit, because click-bait works and clicks are everything.

Impressive. Somewhere, a German engineer is weeping at the complexity they somehow failed to include in a Porsche / BMW / Mercedes product.

“(Warren police) haven’t done much to repair the whole.”

It is literally his fucking job to show up, listen to his constituents and provide answers.

Agreed, but his nefarious purpose was to let them vent, in hopes that once they get it out of their system they let it go. Obviously I hope they don’t, I hope one of them takes his job.

Yep, pretty much sums up everything I was thinking. Here’s a star for you.

this is a great point. but i also do still think it was brave of him to show up and do his job, because those people (rightly) wanted to run him out of town on rails.

I’ll give him a pass on the first two, but “I hear you,” FFS.

Or, instead of forcing people to do huge amounts of digging for information that is intentionally obfuscated by dealers and manufactures and then necessitating so much checking for loop holes and fine print that you need to hire a consultant like Tom just to find out the real fucking price of the car you’re dropping

People shop for a car way more infrequently than virtually any other major item other than a house. Blaming them for not knowing things like destination charge is included in MSRP is specious.

Yeah, this blog post is nuts. None of the links even direct to the original paper (unless I missed it? If it’s there it should be so much more obvious). And that paper is OPEN ACCESS! Anyone can read it! Not just snotty me sitting in my fancy biomedical research lab with All the Literature at my fingertips.

If they want to be bloggers who write stories about poop or unlimited appetizers, more power to them, they’ll get a lot of clicks.

Gizmodo Media Group (GMG) is a media aggregation company. Their business model is to identify articles of interest, provide a layman’s high level overview, and link to the source to allow you to read more in-depth. Expecting a serious scientific explanation from the sites that review sex toys, send a reporter to eat

They could probably put up little frosted Apple logo decals on the glass to raise awareness.

We can discuss it now. What law should be passed that would have prevented it?