
I read half of this review and I still don’t know if the software is any good.

Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).

In general, there really isn’t a limit to the amount of information I enjoy reading/watching about Monkey Island.

I heartily disagree. Unity had a rough launch but it still stands as the ultimate AC game. It is the only one that actually delivered on the series promise. Crowds large enough for social stealth to be believable. Fun, fluid, pretty parkour. Enemies that were difficult enough you were forced to be stealthy. A massive,

OK Double XP. Extremely excellent visual reference. “Stadia! Release my buddy!”

Personally, I lost all love for food when I found out that professional chefs change it to taste better by using all kinds of fake spices and herbs and techniques. Also, I am convinced that things I have no idea how to do at a high level are incredibly easy and I could do them if I wanted to, which I don’t, so there. 

Mehhhhh, not overly interested in the adventures of new ponies and pony cousins. I like my mane six god dammit. But oh god, Hasbro needs new toys. Remember what happens to established characters when Hasbro needs new toys...