Aaron Wrotkowski

I was a big Limp Bizkit fan at 14/15. I had the fitted cap and everything.

I'm so glad we had the Matthew Good Band around this time. I mean if you liked them.

I was too young for Woodstock 94. I would definitely time machine back for it.

Savage Garden was huge in Canada. My flawed grade school memory is that the girls either loved Savage Garden, Gavin Rossdale from Bush (known as Bush X in Canada due to copyright), or Tupac.

Yup. This is what I wanted. Build up Cross vs. Bourne, and just when you think they will instead team up, Bourne caps him and walks away. Moby. Credits.

The Clive Owen scene is so good. I wanted to see more of him immediately after that. I originally wanted a prequel about his character. Probably best we didn't get that.

The only cartoons to have a bigger impact on my life are Freakazoid! and Homestar Runner (Flash cartoons are still cartoons!). But along with Gravity Falls that's the Top 4.

You should love him. He eats his vitamins and says his prayers.

Everything after three is fatal.

And he grew up to become Shifty Shellshock of Crazy Town.

20+ hours in and no hookshot. 6/10

I used to say the last episode should be, "The Gang has to kill Dennis, who is a serial killer" but maybe they just open next season with that.

The show will end with The Jennings family receiving a pardon from the Trump administration.

The Wii U version is pretty fantastic. I'll probably sell my Wii U with Zelda when I'm done with it.

To this day I have never met or witnessed a person reading or purchasing an Archie comic.

It's commonly voted as the best sports film of all time.

Admit it. You made this all up.

I used to hate it. I hated it so much I would bring it up in discussion and people wouldn't remember so I remembered the lyrics to remind them. Now I don't hate it. It's a really dumb song but stuff like "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder make it feel quaint and cute by comparison.

Any party I've gone to, if someone plays Apparitions and everyone is at least 25, you'll get a lot of singing. Same with that OLP song (5am?)

The Arkells and July Talk are the best current Canadian acts if anyone wanted to go dumpster diving into our current music.