Aaron Wrotkowski

Windjammers is my favourite Neo-Geo game so good get in including it.

New Retro Wave channel was basically all I listened to in 2015. Ended up becoming a big fan of Trevor Something due to it.

My first kiss was during truth or dare. Probably the most emotionless way you could have it.

Dan Aykroyd was my hero when I was a kid. I'm glad he isn't completely disappointing me. I think I once saw him having a beer in Kingston but I don't bug celebrities so I didn't try to approach.

He has a cameo.

Gosh that would be a swell show.

Villain issue? Tony Stark has been the villain of almost every Avengers movie at this point.

I survived around 10 minutes.

I think if you watch it expecting John Cusack in Say Anything, you're going to come out very disappointed in his actions and decisions. If you watch it as John Cusack as Rob Gordon, a dude who couldn't even remember he broke up with a girl because she wouldn't put out, you get a better perspective that this is a dumb

There are only two movies I have ever watched where the first viewing I liked it and the second viewing I hated it: Crash: Oscar Edition and Garden State.

So you're saying Bruce Springsteen is Captain America?

Reminder: Jamie Kellner killed Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, and World's Championship Wrestling.

I'm one of the few that doesn't hate the Final Fantasy IV DS remake because it at least tried to bring some of the subtext to the surface by cleaning up the script. I think it's a story that is ripe to be told better. There's just so much to pull out of it, from the underground dwarves to an entire nation run by

This was my first Final Fantasy. Technically the NES original was my first but because I couldn't figure out how to save properly and kept erasing my progress, getting a SNES and FFII was my first.

The guy legitimately had no interest in videogames until he saw Gamergate as a way to successfully attack women and get more attention to himself. He's a professional troll.

Sarah McLachlan apologizes for Amy Lee

Is he seriously complaining that the song isn't specific enough for him? Right in the chorus it says, "Hanging out the passenger / side Of his best friend's ride / Trying to holler at me" which is the very definition of catcalling. Eakin should have called his ass on that. One of the first lines is about him sitting

She was dating River Phoenix when he died. Probably caused a bit of an undeserved stigma on her. She did a lot of roles after but never really got anything at the level she deserved. She's in a really decent indie film "Sweet Jane" with a young Joseph Gordon-Levitt that should have been her kick off point but the film

I think far too many here are focusing on the blow-up and not on Cenac's claim that Stewart barely apologized to him. He still held his ground of infallibility. That's what bothers me the most. It's one thing to blow up at someone. It's another to do it, apologize for blowing up to the staff and then it taking the

It's a good thing to destroy the heroes of the past, especially when those heroes are rarely shared.