Aaron Stormageddon

the irony that you ignored "Obama" when it's exactly what everyone has been doing to his foreign policy for the past 8 years.
(And it wouldn't be much of a political record if it didn't attack politicians)

good to see Jessy Lanza in there, that album is great from start to finish

my advice: go listen to her earliest album and enjoy her incredible voice, then listen to her recent ones where she stacks on layers of incredible instrumentation

Daydreaming > Burn the Witch

yeah that album was all over the place, half of it was great and half was terrible

the subject matter has been heavier, though

i don't hate it, i just miss his rapping… Awaken My Love is 21st Century Funkadelic, it's cool but it's missing some of what made Gambino so great

whoa, nailed it.
also interesting that Gambino is no longer the "white-appealing" artist after Awaken My Love.

tbh Because the Internet is still the best thing Donald Glover has ever done

wasn't NONAME technically a mixtape/EP? (personally i would've overlooked that to put it in my top 20)

interesting, i've listened to it once and didn't like it as much as her previous albums

that's some good stealth advertising, i actually read it (not gonna click tho)

shots fired

A Seat at the Table is all of those things, but better

a lot of albums did - Blackstar, Anti, A Seat at the Table, Blond… also i'm kind of tired of Beyonce standing in for all of black female artistry when there's so many others out there just as deserving of the pop crown. but not being on some publication's list isn't some giant snub… if it weren't on just about every

tbh Solange is more deserving, i would've put A Seat at the Table at #4

i different kind of loss than Bowie or Cohen though, they were aware of what was coming, Skeleton Tree is a literal gut punch and you could tell it was a struggle for him to record. We're incredibly lucky we got all three this year…

finally some love for Anohni!

Noname > Chance, there i said it

not half as much a knob as Ethan Kath