Aaron Stormageddon

i kinda like how Chrysta Bell isn't good, she fits with the Twin Peaks vibe. She looks so obviously out of place.

he thinks he's being good to Kim but that's only because they enable each other, he's a lot more subtle around Kim. He shares his crime fantasies with her but not the worst of the dodgy shit he does without her. Kim thinks she knows all of Jimmy's flaws but she doesn't really. It's a classic co-dependent relationship.

However, unlike Walt, I think post-Breaking Bad Saul may be heading for redemption.

Jimmy has never been a good guy, just like Walt was never a good guy. They think they were, but they weren't. Vince Gilligan has explicitly said so for people who don't read into it.

How is Syd well-adjusted to her powers? she seems mightily uncomfortable with them, as anyone would be. it's a pretty shitty power.

that's the surprising thing about this show, none of the main cast died (except The Eye, but he didn't really have a backstory so it's fine, and died in such spectacular fashion)

not ashamed to admit I have a crush on Kerry…

"I'm you, I'm me, I'm everything you wanna be"

I think we've passed the Netflix/Marvel peak, the current comic-book-adaptation peak is currently Logan and Legion. However, as soon as something is successful, the studios just drain all the life out of it and we have to look elsewhere for the next boundary-pushers.

bless you Mehdi for taking on this bullshit, i don't have the energy for it today!


because he's an Islamophobe just like Milo

i'm gonna bet these tweets are written by a staffer…

god i miss those soppy Phil Collins ballads at the end of movies…

they didn't have Beyonce, that's pretty fuckin ballsy

yeah country is still in the "not cool enough" basket along with classical and synth pop

"I'm getting old!" proceeds to recommend some young new band

i don't understand why that's the prevailing opinion, HDP is every bit as good as Let England Shake (though not as good as Is This Desire)

emotions are for losers!

well it's probably the least pop of all his records… however, i think after that long, most people have learned to follow Bowie wherever he went. he was a true pioneer.