Aaron Stormageddon

now this is a motherfuckin list

Top 3 are perfect

yeah, it's like she's been through it so many times, sees all the bullshit, and is over it - but she still has to deal with it

uhh, how can one be a "black Macklemore" when all Macklemore is is a black version of himself?

funny how Wikileaks is now suddenly a villain when they come after Clinton's corruption after they went after Bush's… all because of what, a bigger asshole in charge of nuclear weapons which shouldn't exist? newsflash: there's always a bigger asshole…

maybe, just maybe…the problem is you

also, kudos to the first realistic (to my life anyway) party scene i've seen in a long time. i remember being that age and opening up like that about my fears of the future with actual adults that empathised and gave a shit

fuck i cried, deserves an A+

it did have a 3-act structure if you really know how to dissect these things

i would actually love that, like just trying to find the most acedemic, wankiest way to put down Dan Brooks

even if i'm playing with a bunch of people with really shitty humor, i'll still play my own way that appeals to me, because peer pressure won't make me play something i don't find funny just to score points.
not only that, when i'm czar i get to dictate what i find funny or witty.
if you don't understand social

has it occurred to you that you have made the choice to play the game that way? or that peer pressure is actually the culprit?

i think if it loses appeal after the 2nd or 3rd time, you lack creativity

Catan is Monopoly that actually works and not just an excuse to indict capitalism.
Once you've played Monopoly once, you know exactly how to win, and after a couple of dice rolls you're 90% sure who will win.
You can't do any of that with Catan.

i don't enjoy shock humor, and still enjoy the game with some groups of people, and hated it with other groups.

you sure you friends don't just have the humor of 15-year-olds?

and people will still play what they like even if it doesn't win, which kind of defeats the purpose of playing for the lowest common denominator

but you don't have to play it that way, nobody's forcing you. what i find most interesting is the peer pressure dynamics it can conjure, and hilarious that you can blame a card game with a bunch of taboo topics that you can literally play any way you want (sometimes not even for laughs - for me, if something makes me

what about that guy who writes Family Guy, is he funny?
It has nothing to do with originality, mixing and matching phrases and concepts is a pretty standard form of improv

that's just because, as the comment says, more people have the Family Guy sense of "humor". However it can easily be skewed to more Rick and Morty humor or Key and Peele humor if that's where your sense of humor lies.
Only one thing is for certain, and that is it's not G-rated.