Aaron Stormageddon

it's soul-crushing to lose, especially for someone with social-anxiety. all your fears about your lame sense of humor confirmed
(or you're ike me and take losing as a badge of pride because you have the most sophisticated sense of humor that nobody else gets)

it's a "party" game in that you play it at a realistic party where it's just you and your friends getting sloshed, not one of those fancy "parties" that includes your parents, that's for Pictionary

probably, it's typical edgy white comedian material with a coating of sweetness

oh yeah, it's so obviously written by middle-class white Americans, none of the sociopolitical stuff made much sense in this episode. Not to mention they all just sat there shocked while grandma spouted off the n-word with no attempt to stop her. It's all written to heighten comic effect over any sense of realism,

i can't tell if this is serious or not

calm down, it's only season 2… there are at least 4 planned seasons

that's ironic given that Sam Esmail wrote and directed every episode this season

is Mr. Robot dead, though? did Elliot win?

is this the first time you've discovered difference of opinion? i think the crisis is in your head…

i think it's far less high-minded than that - i think it's more of an existential power-struggle, much like we're seeing in the real world but with tangible characters to explore existentially geopolitical questions

the show itself is a simulation of reality

this all just sounds like an attempt to rationalize what is a thematically and psychologically intersting fourth-wall break. anything that attempts to rationalize breaking the fourth wall through some complicated plot is usually a disaster and totally defeats the purpose of breaking the fourth wall in the first place.

what higher sci-fi concepts? there's like, nothing remotely science-fictional, all the tech is real, the events feasible and takes place in the relative present (technically the past now, but the present when the show started)
sure, things are stylised and simplified with E-Corp and other far-fetched elements, but

agreed, it's extremely disciplined in how it 'breaks' convention. like it's created a whole new convention of it's own. there's no such thing as an 'interesting' shot in this show, it's all unifomally interesting if you know what i mean

you're right, that's not what makes it an intelligent show. what makes it an intelligent show would require a thesis. make no mistake, this will be one of those thesis shows, it's already becoming one on my campus, it's the only show we have long psychological/philosophical/geopolitical conversations about.

i dunno, i'd like to get David Lynch's opinion on that


and how most serialized shows work tbh. people just want the plot to move faster because reasons i guess. every show has this complaint to some degree.

umm, Dom had literally no groundwork in season 1

and then promptly ruined mythology shows on networks