Aaron Stormageddon

but i think it's more of a fleeting affair and he'll go back to Joanna if Elliot beats Mr. Robot (also, he and Joanna are polyamorous, maybe he's hoping for them to all live happily together?)

and we also know he hasn't made contact with Joanna, and seems strangely unaffected when Elliot mentions her.

omg, Luke, Leia…it's all making sense! so does that mean Angela is Han?
oh, i think i found the flaw in the analogy - Mr. Robot has more than one female character…

also, look no further than Dom's entire storyline for awesome plot progression/intense action scenes/Whiterose scene/character development.
so be thankful that season 2 gave us Dom

umm, what else did you want/expect? a 05/09 every season?

the Emmy win was HUGE and USA obviously invested a ton into that. they would've known from the start that it wasn't going to be a ratings smash, even after Breaking Bad it's an incredibly niche-sounding premise

if people stopped treating it like Lost, maybe it wouldn't keep happening again.
also, ratings don't mean shit anymore. it's a completely different world from 2006.

because plot serves character, so if you have a better idea of what is a rather opaque and labyrinthine plot, you'll have a better idea of what can be rather opaque characters

well they all keep saying it was "all Elliot's plan", I think Tyrell (and possibly Whiterose too) are counting on Elliot taking the fall

far more Machiavellian than Tyrell, who is more driven by instinct

really? she seems the most Lynchian character of all

well yeah, obviously, but it's technically still the same person, just with different personalities

i would've been happy with less answers and breadcrumbs, but that's just me

and none of this is that surprising either, i mean that is what would happen in reality. the really interesting part is what the characters do with the information

actually, some of us do want a 60 hour movie (with some nice breaks and title cards/intermissions)

because he's specifically writing to a 3-act structure, that's why. the end of act 1 is the end of season 1, but we still haven't seen the end of act 2 yet (and as anyone knows, act 2 is usually much longer)

honestly this season is so much better than the first, much less filler in terms of character introductions and exposition. a lot of people loved the "twist" aspect but to me that was the least interesting thing, the most interesting thing is seeing what they did with what should be a pretty tired trope by now

they're not dead if Whiterose/Mr. Robot have other plans for them

I think Angela knows the whole plan and is fine with it, she's obviously on Mr. Robot's side

no, i think it's Whiterose operating without Mr. Robot's consent given that he referenced the time. otherwise he would say something like 'Elliot sent me'