Aaron Stormageddon

but the power grid DOES go off at the end, presumably resulting in deaths from the sound of car crashes. which is clearly part of some plan (or a thematic device, which is basically the same thing in this show)

losing faith in the reality of the world is EXACTLY one of it's key themes, if not the overarching theme

well they dwelt on it the appropriate amount, if they didn't dwell on it, you wouldn't see it. it's not you normally see people closing doors in movies

it's kind of a shock because it's actually how you write OCD well instead of the unrealistic OMG LOOK OCD ISN'T THAT TERRIBLE/QUIRKY

please don't go near kids with OCD…even if they are slightly precocious

Mel was EXTREMELY patient, though. like, almost unrealistically. but the smile after the bombshell dropped was cute though

am i the only one who likes the kids? maybe it's because i'm still just a moody teen/precocious tween/needy child at heart

i think it's a really interesting juxtopsition they're going for, showing the realness that actually goes on in Holloywood instead of just the cliched 'fake Hollywood gag' (they they did that too with David Duchovny, but it's so obviously tongue-in-cheek and not at all cynical)

because she liked him and wanted him to meet her family? I mean, apart from her mom it wasn't a total disaster, but kind of illustrated to both of them how difficult things would be (aside from the fact that he's barely divorced yet)

OHHH, I thought it was just a guy who looked like Lenny Kravitz!!
Either it's the whole no-sunglasses thing or i'm just racist

i don't think anyone expected him to be so gleeful about it, though. He was putting waaay too much energy for that paycheck, which makes me think he's receiving an additional one from Trump himself. Not even SNL went that far. This is the clip they'll be playing years from now

It's America, who the fuck cares?

okay, but Hillary is par for the course as far as candidates are concerned, but Trump is…yikes. And if he wins? Double yikes.


eh, pretty sure his mustache was fake

I just recently got into them, so i'm looking forward to it

nah, you're just uncool

Warpaint all have solo or other projects, so it seems like a natural evolution.

yep, that's more like the punk "scene" i know

not only are you an arrogant, sexist, racist piece of shit but also an ignorant one, Siouxsie, Poly and Ari played together many times. And Siouxsie would punch you in the face for that.