Aaron Stormageddon

pot kettle mate

and you're really lowering the bar for humanity

they're only on etsy because kids like me are making shit in their bedrooms out of desperation and know that there's a huge gap in the market there.
but it's not like they're making x-ray spex shirts in sweatshops in china like the sex pistols and ramones

that's why Poly Styrene is my hero, she nailed what punk meant better than anyone else

which "scene" was that? punk was everywhere in the 70s and still is today, making blanket statements about "the scene" like yours is the only one that exists is insulting.

"forgotten" = deliberately ignored because she was a black woman
also, stop comparing her only to other punk women

uh, no, you can buy it for 10 bucks on ebay, plus there have been re-issues

up yours!

it was my first punk album! Poly Styrene singlehandedly made me a punk!
up until then i just thought punk was all macho bullshit

straight edge is so antithetical to punk, just the word makes me cringe. i don't drink or do drugs either but i'm sure as hell not "straight"!

i still can't find X-Ray Spex merch

You have, you just haven't realized it through all their incarnations

The older I get, the more meaningful song lyrics become. When I was younger, it was just those words they sang before a cool guitar solo.

on the other hand, it's depressing as fuck without a laugh track

watch the DVDs of MASH with the laugh track off, totally different show

complaining about overrated one-shots is overrated

it's an ideology not a political party, although I guess Bernie Sanders and the Green Party would most closely adhere to that ideology in the US.

Adventure Time kind of opened the floodgates, and I think much of it's success is due to the internet.

could be Earth or could just be earth, but she'd definitely not a diamond!

see: the Cold War