Aaron Stormageddon

that's really cute :P

but obviously not as deadly as a Breaking Point

the difference between Aang and Steven is that Steven isn't the "Chosen One". Aang had to come to terms with his place as the Avatar, but Steven's all about hanging out and learning about his mom.
Steven is not about to take up his mother's mantle anytime soon (or ever).

presumably Amethysts are just lower-class Quartzes. Not sure if all Amethysts are 'runts' in Jaspers' eyes though, runt may just be a general insult for what Jasper sees as an inferior class.
I suspect that Amethyst isn't alone, she just feels alone due to her circumstances.

well they won *a* war, obviously Bismuth meant to escalate it

so…AK-47s are a good thing?

exactly, it's a moral flaw, not a tactical one

isn't that the same for the real-world, though? like, you don't send in ground troops to a place you're about to nuke

You're right that bubbling isn't inherently solitary confinement, but I think for Bismuth it very much felt that way.

so, Garnet's weapon is her fists, but her power is her super strength?

pretty sure the show isn't into reducing people to "types"

one thing is for sure: Rose has definitely shattered a b*tch

all the Crystal Gems were violent revolutionaries, the difference is Bismuth thought that wasn't good enough and that wholesale murder was the only solution. Not only that, but she developed a weapon to make that possible (not quite a WMD, but would have a similar impact on the war).
You'll find Bismuth's in every

but goodness, we need a few more "fun" episodes before that happens!

don't speak too soon, it's almost November

yeah, it's doubtful that every gem on earth was part of the rebellion, seems like more of an indiscriminate massacre

because The Doctor Lies was a great basis for many a Doctor Who theory… *sarcasm*

Garnet probably would've thought about those things, but for Steven I think it's a purely emotional reaction (just look at the way he winces when Bismuth shatters those dummies)

I think Rebecca has had the original Crystal Gems mapped out in her head for awhile now

honestly I'd be so disappointment if the theory was true