Aaron Stormageddon

Rose didn't lie for the sake of her cause, she lied for personal reasons, out of shame and for the sake of her friends.
If anything, her cause would've been helped by Bismuth's extremism (final solution, anyone?), but Rose's moral compass didn't allow for that.
However, Rose couldn't extend her empathy towards Bismuth

To extrapolate based on real-world examples, Bismuth probably viewed Garnet as a post-Homeworld classless being - upper and lower classes fused together. As such, an important symbol for her idea of the rebellion.

She's not prejudiced, she knows what Garnet is. She's more of an extremist. Sound ideology, unsound morality.

"she can take fantastic moral grounds, but she is
terrible at communication and sharing with others"

yeah, she needs a "time-out", as it were

ehh, i feel like the whole "aliens influenced human civilization" thing is kind of played out

It's amazing how the gender binary crumbles when faced with a representation of a gender-less society

This is where the "x-coded" argument starts to crumble. Does a 10-year old really think that Bismuth is "black-coded"?
Also, isn't the fact that she's voiced by Ubo Aduza mean that the character is more Ubo-coded than based on some black stereotype?
(Not saying it's an invalid criticism regarding racism in animation,

is that necassary, though? I think it's pretty clear that our protagonists are Steven, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, and to a lesser extent, Greg, Rose and Connie. Bismuth is just not really a necessary viewpoint character.

such an untapped pool, too

I think as an adult (whatever that means to gems), Rose had more of a handle on the complex moral implications (which Bismuth disagreed with), but Steven's reasoning is more purely emotional, which, in the end, seems to get through to Bismuth better (the whole "from the mouths of babes" idea)

Garnet does keep secrets from Steven, but that one's a stretch. That would imply that Garnet is pro-indefinate solitary confinement. That's not a secret you keep for the sake of someone's "innocence".

there's this thing called libertarian socialism, ya know?

kids in my class didn't care (everyone else is just as confused in their own way), it was the adults that made it hell for me with the "you're a man now! look how fast you've changed!" shtick

made me very self-conscious (plus now I know i'm non-binary so I obviously had some gender dysphoria going on)

Zach's voice in the pilot (the real pilot) is noticeably lower

just wait for inevitable live-action version *groans*
(might work as a musical though)

Mr. Robot and Steven Universe - the two best shows since Hannibal was still around.

oh boy, I am so in for a Marxist reading of Steven Universe

yes, i like this theory. Pearl's devotion was beneficial for Rose. It would've been to her benefit to 'string her along' as it were. Maybe they would've even ended up together (or maybe Pearl already considered them together) were it not for Greg.
A little bit of a cynical reading, but hey, it's realistic and SU