Aaron Stormageddon

most Australians haven't even encountered a black person. I would not want to visit Australia if i was black…

I don't know what you're on about, it was a pretty clear case of xenophobia, and nothing to do with class issues.

Up until the 70s, Australia had a policy called the White Australia policy (no joke). If you weren't Anglo you couldn't emigrate here. Not even Mediterraneans.

Did you hear about that thing recently where people smear Vegemite on their faces??
Stay classy, Australia.

I can confirm that. NOBODY batted an eye at that except for foreigners. Most people insisted that it was a cultural difference but I know for a fact that blackface has a long history in Australia, it's just SO accepted and ingrained that nobody notices.

Yeah racist sentiment has been on an upward swing since 9/11 and the Howard years which were like the Reagan years but twice as long and 10 years late, but it's always been bubbling away under the surface while some generally pretty good politicians tidied up the country a bit in the 70s and 80s.

Australia is uniquely racist. Not many people understand this. We've done very well to cover it up and slap some half-baked democracy on so it looks like your average ex-colony. But it's really not. Please research it's history, especially Tasmania.

that there is some grade A bullshit philosphy

what they don't tell you is that the 'dingo ate my baby' saga dragged on for 30+ years because there was nothing better to report on…

Actually that's the one place you wanna head for because it has water

Australia's resident right-wing party is called the Liberal party. I know, it's not just the toilets…

As an Australian, I can verify that Australian crowds are the worst.

I loved him as a kid for his portrayal of King Caspian in the 1989 version of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

I think the show caters to the gay/lesbian/queer gaze in general - look at Alanna Bloom and Margot Verger this season. It actually shows that a showrunner doesn't need to find another gender attractive to cater their gaze. Straight showrunners should take note.

that is not how television works

"not buds but clearly respects him"
yeah no shit, it's Jon fucking Stewart

what's a meat loaf?? my dad's a chef and i've never heard of it.
(what is this, high school??)

*draws two circles intersecting, the left circle labeled 'racist' the right circle labeled 'prick', in the far left section write 'adjective', in the far right write 'verb' and in the middle intersection write 'noun' and underline*

no he just didn't wanna circlejerk