Aaron M. Litz


Yeah, I caught that too, that the portal Ghost Rider's chain opened ooked identical to the portals created with Sling Rings. I thought it was a very good way to use small details so as to solidify the idea that it's all one universe with consistent underlying rules of magic.

Robbie explained that all the other planets, other dimensions, other Realms, everything is all connected, part of a larger continuum (à la Thor's description of the Nine Realms) and there's been a gigantic Cosmic War being waged for a very long time across the entire interplanetary/interdimensional cosmos (à la Dr.

not supposed to. ;)

Exactamundo! ;)

Of course! The influence of the Darkhold will finally produce the worst, most Evil outcome possible!

Framework Grant Ward had a literal guiding Hand to nurture and direct his good intentions.

"The producers obviously love John Hannah"

Evil Hope.

He'd be a patched fork of Fitz.

It will do EVIL

If any version of anyone from the Framework does end up getting real a body, it can only end badly. Everything the Darkhold touches ends up twisted and wrong; that is what the Darkhold does. It grants people's greatest desires… in the worst possible way.

Yummmm… flesh jam…

So, you don't think Mack will lose hope when he loses Hope a second time?

Hope gets put into a real body only to end up becoming Evil, so as to create as much pain and misery as possible. The reach of the Darkhold is long, twisted, and undying, with it's tentacles buried deep into everything it has influenced.

HYDRA vs The Hand? I'd watch that.

We have definitive proof that HYDRA is more diverse than Fox News.

I think it would be more like patching Fitz 8.1 up to Fitz 10.


"Everything you want, in the worst possible way."