Aaron M. Litz

Don't forget that this is all partly a result of the Darkhold, not just the natural outcome of human ingenuity. Aida has been influenced by the Darkhold, and anything the Darkhold touches always ends badly. This isn't natural.

Luke's skins isn't literally make of seashells. They used a seashell analogy to explain the way his skin cells are stacked and interlock with each other which is similar to the structure of abalone shells (like the Lego analogy Claire used earlier; you didn't think his epithelial cells were literally made of Legos,

I know, I was only kidding… I just couldn't resist, sorry. ;)

HA! I'm glad to know I'm not the only person to have made that joke. :)

YJ was good, but JLU was still by far the best. :)

What is this, Jeopardy?? ;)

(United States of) America.

I don't recall ever seeing it mentioned any other time, but I don't claim to have a photographic recollection of every single appearance of Dr. Z and what was said. The Venture Bros. tends to be much more blatant in it's treatment of homosexual characters… and, although using their gayness as the butt of jokes

I've seen that said in several different places (probably all repeated from TVTropes) but I'm pretty positive that was just meant as a throwaway teasing joke on the part of Mrs. Z. about how Dr. Z was so obsessed with being a supervillain it took him years to return her interest. "I thought we couldn't have kids

This show is horrendous. Especially bad is the way it treats computers or any form of technology less than ten years old, like a bad sci-fi TV movie. We're being hacked; quick, get TWO people on the keyboard and we'll be twice as effective at fighting it off! It's deliberately written for old people who don't think

I only discovered these reviews a bit ago, and just now finished reading all of them.


I LOVE how Dunwich Asylum is the Ventureverse equivalent of Arkham Asylum, using the name of another town from Lovecraft.