Aaron Dinkin


Probably Peridot escaped with some of them, or set some of them free, possibly before the Crystal Gems got there in "Keeping it Together"?

The same people are eligible to vote for the final decision as for the nomination. The reason the Puppies were able to get their choices nominated but not elected is because for the nomination you're choosing out of all the SF published in a year, so it doesn't take that many people all voting for the same works to be

I did MST3K-type riffs on this movie in college with a bunch of people. It is an eminently riffable movie, not gonna lie. Hm, I wonder if I still have a copy of our script anywhere…

I'm counter-citing mainly with materials written by professional linguists in the past decade, addressed to non-specialists on the topic of the common misconception that articles are adjectives. This misconception is well-grounded in the scholarly tradition, but so was phlogiston; that doesn't make it less wrong. The

It's certainly true that a lot of false claims are made about grammar, even by people who ought to know better (such as English professors at Purdue University). However, from a scientific perspective, calling articles an adjective is a lot like calling whales fish.

Well, possible exception of White Diamond?

Articles are *not* adjectives.

Delaware. Beach City is in Delaware. (Well, the fictional state of Delmarva.)

Well, she only manifested one in the episode, but it was on her off hand—so presumably she ought to be able to do the one on the hand with her gem too?

…How do you know that the relevant thing he said wasn't just what he meant to say?

Orphan Black and Sense8 actually make a great pair. They're both about a set of strangers with different backgrounds, from all walks of life, who discover that they share a deep and fundamental connection. They get caught up in a conspiracy plot involving unethical scientists who want to exploit and control what

If this means you skipped the (non–witch-related) Peabody Essex Museum, you're missing out!

An interesting epistemological proposition!

"Completely ambiguous foreign-ness"? …As others have commented, it's very, very, very unambiguously Armenian.

I also grew up "across the bridge from Salem" (i.e., in Beverly), and I've always been really kind of grossed out by Salem's commercialization of a tragedy. The Witch Trials Memorial is almost the only part of it that really seems respectful of the victims. But the historical sites focused on non-witch-trial things,

Eh? Jonas has the same eye contact limitation. He can only visit Will and Nomi because those are the only ones he's seen in person.

I've noticed a few problems with the time zones—like in the first episode, where Kala is on her way to work in the morning and looking for an umbrella because she hears it raining at Wolfgang's grandfather's funeral? Either Kala goes to work in the afternoon or the funeral was at like 5am.

But Susan Duncan is in Austria, or wherever it is they've taken Rachel, right?

Do the other Ledas know that that's Krystal? Delphine told them that Rachel is at large, but did she tell them that Krystal was (or is) in Dyad's custody?