Aaron Dinkin

I assumed it wasn't that Kevin Hanchard was busy, so much as it's been hard for the writers to find things for Art to do now that Sarah's no longer hanging around the police precinct all the time.

Well, Nealon did tell her "You'll be dead by morning."

Rose/Pearl: feudal lord / handmaiden OTP

Oh hey, is Helena -> Alison a new clone impersonation combo? That brings us up to:

Donnie's complete commitment to Alison : Felix's complete commitment to Sarah : Scott's complete commitment to Cosima

Given that Sam Jr. was born in season 3, you mean?

I assume it's because they cut Young Griff, and without him in the story Arianne would have nothing to do.

…Wait, is there any evidence dragons were ever involved in the War for the Dawn?

He's not a knight? It seems to be a mark of the Militant branch of the church, not just any septon.

I mean, my interpretation of the scene was that she was trying to get him aroused to make the poison work faster, so….

Human allies? The Stark family was *founded* on defeating the White Walkers.

I'd guess the Citadel sends them? It's probably their responsibility to keep the Maesters aware of current events.

…Or some other character who looks just like Mark, but what are the odds of that?

This episode makes an interesting thematic pair with "Story for Steven", doesn't it?

The cool thing about it is that it's a "canon queer relationship" either way—it's queer from the human perspective because it's read as lesbian because Gems appear female, and it's queer from a Gem perspective because of (what we can infer from Jasper's behavior about) Homeworld attitudes to staying permanently fused.

Wait, are (A) and (B) different things?

However old Sour Cream is, this episode is presumably set about nine months earlier than that. Which is why I think it's, like, 1995 at the earliest.

(Why does everyone keep saying this is an '80s episode, 18 years before the present day is like 1997)

…Wait, of course! JOIN OR DIE is totally the THEME OF THE ENTIRE SERIES, of course it's on the dollar bill.

They also say "Buck Dewey", which is weird… maybe the current mayor's father? (I mean, obviously not the current Buck Dewey, who would have been an infant at most at the time, but I can see him being named after his grandfather.)