Aaron Dinkin

I'm surprised the only mention of the Buddhist sand painting in the review is a reference to it as "creating beauty for beauty's sake", which seems to miss what I think must be the entire point of it, at least in the showrunners' minds. The whole purpose of a sand mandala is its ephemerality—the fact that something

But not part of Britain.

Liam Neeson isn't even British.

Well (as of episode 30), if Rachel provided the impetus for Stamper to back Dunbar, she *was* a threat to Frank….

Wait, seriously? I loved the Rachel side plot in season 2 because she was the only person who was just trying to live her own life that *didn't* center around the Underwoods.

This is also not true.

Well, off the top of my head, the working-class Boston accent not only still has r-dropping (which basically no modern white Southern accent does), but it also has a distinction between the FATHER and BOTHER vowels; and words like "bath" and "half" and "ask" have the same vowel as FATHER rather than TRAP—two features

This is totally false.

I see what you did there.

"Like" is more of a discourse particle than a filler. Their functions overlap, but they're different things.

What about them?

Britain. "Er" is just an alternate way of spelling "uh" for people who don't pronounce "r" at the end of a word.

"Eh" isn't a filler, it's a tag.

("La Resistance" is a riff on "One Day More" from Les Miz.)

…Which is what leads to the converse problem of people replying only to the sender when they *should* reply-all.

I literally just got back from a beach house in January in a town that's driving distance from Brooklyn, and it was an awesome party.

"Sperm to worm" becomes "birth to earth"; "womb to tomb" is in both versions.

I actually felt the movie handled Rapunzel's character arc better than the play. The scene in which Rapunzel confronts the Witch post-transformation and chooses the Prince over her provides a fitting closure to her arc. In the play, Rapunzel basically freaks out and gets stomped on by the Giant fairly early in Act 2,

Good juxtaposition of comment and avatar image.

Frank's seat in Congress in real life actually *was* held by a Democrat till 2010—and in the show universe, the Republican sweep of 2010 presumably didn't happen, since the Democrats have the House majority in 2012.