Aaron Dinkin

As a linguistics professor, I keep thinking "Lin28a" sounds like the course code for, like, Introduction to Theoretical Semantics or something.

Yes, MK is Veera Suominen.

(I mean that's not *why* she's not Good; it's just particularly compelling evidence.)

That's why she's not Good.

Alison is Lawful Neutral, not good.

Speaking of Canadian actors, having Andrew Moodie appear in a supporting role as a bad guy's calm and reserved sidekick on two Canadian sci-fi shows whose season premieres were the same week is very distracting to me.

"The big question now is who flipped Walker"—it is? I thought it was very clear that it was, effectively, Frank: Walker's agreed to plead the fifth; Frank wants to meet with him, but Claire and Usher keep telling him that's a terrible idea; Frank meets with Walker anyway and can't resist mocking and taunting him; and

If only there were some conventionalized system for identifying which shows are the "best" of Broadway in any given year!

Come From Away is the only one of the nominated shows I've seen, but I was seriously impressed by the directorial finesse I saw and I think the Tony is well deserved.

Yeah I guess in "Welcome to the Rock" it's the spoken dialogue that gives it the "Lovable Quirky Villagers!" vibe, and the song itself is all "We are Hardy Coastal Folk," and the combination feels to me like it's just sort of exotifying and fetishizing their ruralness. Anyway when I saw the show throughout most of the

It's interesting to me that you read "Welcome to the Rock" that way; I actually thought the number leans too hard into an "Observe the Quirky (but Hardy) Locals!" tone that ends up feeling like caricature.

Isn't it? I mean I think the authors and producers share the Best Play award, whereas Best Musical just goes to the producers.

I really really loved Come From Away (the only one of this year's nominees that I've seen, so I can't compare it to anything), but I think the opening is one of its weaker numbers and I was a little disappointed they chose that for the Tonys show.

David Hyde Pierce is a great performer but he can't do an accent to save his life, it seems.

And I thiiiink Whizzer isn't "diagnosed with AIDS", because it's *so* early in the epidemic that nobody yet knows what he has.

I love Orphan Black for the same reason I love Sense8, and I have basically never cared about the conspiracy plots of either show.

"the ending made me wonder if she had been half-convinced that her people were the only ones that could maintain the bunker and that the other clans would kill them if they opened the door."—I mean, she explicitly said she was at least half-convinced of both those things, didn't she?

Surely "the Crystal Gems still exist" would have been in Peridot's report along with the names "Mydad", "Connie", "Lars", "Sadie", "Mailman", and "Onion, I think".

I don't think Lars and Sadie are definitely together-together. I think they're definitely "uhhhhh we hooked up a few times but have never had a serious talk about whether we're actually dating or what".