Aaron Dinkin

Alone Together
Sworn to the Sword
The Return/Jail Break
We Need to Talk
Log Date 7 15 2

"Since when is having a ubiquitous mascot bad for business?" Isn't the textbook case of this the California Raisins? Hugely popular ad campaign, records, TV specials—the one thing they couldn't sell was actual raisins.

I feel like it fits in very well with what we saw of Rose in "Greg the Babysitter"—she's still mostly convinced that gems can never really change their purpose, and we see the seeds of her decision that the only way for her to truly grow would be to become a human herself. And she's not right—look at how much Pearl,

One blogger had a really interesting theory: Rose Quartzes were created to *take care of humans*—i.e., to see to the well-being of the zoomans, the way we see the Amethyst guards doing in the previous episode. And then one rebelled because she cared for humans a little too much, and went to war against Homeworld to

Well I mean presumably children have been being left out of the Choosening for 5000 years, right?

(fun fact, in real life Delaware is the only state without a commercial airport)

"Make things happen" is a term which here means "sell Greg a commercial airline ticket, for money"

Paula is such a Slytherin! She's ambitious, she demands recognition and appreciation, she's sneaky and manipulative—I think "Everything I've Done for You (that You Didn't Ask For)" really clinches it.

I don't know if Heather has enough energy to be Chaotic.

…Hogwarts is a school. All the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins are students too.

Okay okay okay—

Probably? But she didn't know, and neither do we.

As we saw in this episode, Vidalia was married to the fisherman by the time Steven was six months old.

Yes, Rose was pregnant in the video in "Lion 3".

Eh, as a linguist, I thought that line seemed perfectly reasonable in the moment—as something a linguist would say from a place of irritation and some bitterness.

Tina Fey's Philadelphia accent was perfect, you guys. Unsurprising, since she's from Philadelphia herself. (Fallon's was an embarrassment, though.)

No, Greg had a "Stella" album if I remember correctly.

…"Earthlings" is extremely character-driven. It's a major part of Amethyst's anxiety/self-respect arc.

Okay I really hoped that sentence was going to end "…at Steven University".