Aaron Crabtree

If you live near ski resorts, they are generally open and not too crowded on Christmas as well. It's generally a good day to go skiing/riding based on snow, too.

I do the same as well. Maybe it's just because I grew up Christian, or it's an understanding that few of the traditions are even remotely Christian, but I just never saw a reason to stop celebrating Christmas when I stopped being Christian.

Hey, buddy, I'm 155 lbs and I STILL think you're a dick! It has nothing to do with people's weight. You're just a dick.

I could see this being made into a pretty cool little desk distraction thing. Have little pump that continuously drips ferrofluid onto the top of the bolt. Of course it may be difficult to keep it circulating at the bottom, away from the magnet.

Actually he is correct. Or brains are remarkably plastic, particularly through adolescence. They even mention that the difference becomes more stark with age. Maybe we are born with these density differences, but my guess is they're very slight and are strengthened through pigeonholing kids. Also, one thing to note is

Maybe it's usage percentage. So 5% of all words in rap songs are "the".

The funny thing is, there is some truth to that.

I usually wake up 30 minutes before my alarm. Which is often fairly annoying, because I so want that last 30 minutes of sleep.

Anyone know an Android equivalent?

It might be a bit of a pain to hook this up to the battery without them noticing.

No clue. I was with one of them once, and it went like this -

Cop (this is the first thing he said, no shit): Were you born in this country?

I've had friends get pulled over for passing a cop while doing under the speed limit. They never get tickets, but it's just a pain in the ass to deal with. It's usually cops who are assholes and are just bored (or something), so they pull someone over for bullshit like that.

I've gotten some very good shots with my N4, and some very terrible shots. It absolutely has made me work for the good shots, though. I think it actually performs very well in situations like that picture, where you can take all day and let it focus, and for some reason it seems to do well in that sort of lighting as

I LOVE driving, but damn skippy I want a self driving car. Because despite the fact that I love driving, 90% of the driving I do is tedious, infuriating bullshit that does nothing but stress me out. I've yet to see a driverless car that didn't allow for manual driving. The car can do the 90% that sucked, and I'll take

So as a Utah resident I can say we have some bizarre laws. However, I don't think the second one listed here is that strange. The reason we don't allow 1st cousins to marry is to protect against the problems caused by inbreeding. If the couple are incapable of having children because they're over 65, why should they

As a method of keeping your car clean, that's just plain stupid. As a method of protecting damage/rust prone areas of your car (front of your hood, wheel wells, just above the running boards), it's pretty awesome. If I could have had this a few years ago, I could have kept my car from getting its little rust spots

I updated my Synaptics drivers recently and as far as I can tell, there's no option to turn off natural scrolling. And it drives me fucking insane. I've had it for two weeks or so now and every day when I first start using my computer, I mess up and scroll the wrong way. After the one time I remember most of the time,

Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn. I watched another one. Every time there's a new one, I say to myself, "I'm not going to watch this one. I'm not going to do it." And every time, I watch it. Damn these videos!

If you're making your own blackout shades make sure there is ventilation to the window. Particularly if it's a South facing window that gets a lot of sun. When I was younger I created my own blackout shades to allow me to sleep in later (and to keep my room cooler), and I ended up warping the vinyl windowpanes due to