Aaron Crabtree

Every time I watch one of these videos, I think to myself, "Why on earth am I watching a video of someone dropping a hot ball of nickel into things?" And yet every time there's a new one, I watch that as well.

RTFA, Eric. It says the Obama administration. There's a big difference between Obama vetoing something (which is only reserved for legislation) and the US Trade Representative, who is a member of the Obama administration, vetoing something.

Except she actually had facial expressions.


Though, to be fair, they are all web apps (HTML5, CSS, and/or JavaScript), so I guess technically the apps themselves are not updated locally. The OS would still need to be updated occasionally, however, in the same way that Chrome OS is still updated.

Except the apps do actually need a local application to run as well, which is why it's an SDK and not an API. To add in the Chromecast functionality into an already existing app requires an API, not a full-blown SDK. The SDK is there because you also need something locally on the Chromecast to communicate with the app

Maybe they got rid of it again already, but I already redeemed my code for it.

I have a smart TV, but it's laggy as hell and the app selection that works on it is paltry. Plus, no Chrome mirroring. So I bought a Chromecast (just now!) and am super excited for it.

Um...it still runs an operating system, and apps. Those sort of things are updated fairly frequently. So, yes, it most likely will need updating.

It also gets the Netflix promo back. Thanks for pointing this out guys, I was really upset I was going to have to wait a month to get it!

Best Buy has it with the Netflix promo

I try very hard not to friend someone I'm dating on Facebook until I'm fairly certain it's going somewhere. Even if they add me, I usually won't accept right away. It's just one of those things.

I designed thus exact concept in middle school and tried to create a prototype but couldn't afford fuel cells or hydrogen containment canisters. Glad to see someone id's actually making it!

I work for Fossil and I was just showing a manager I'm helping to train this trick today.

Technically the rainbow inversion could be correct, if there was a hidden secondary rainbow concentric with it (in a double double rainbow, one of the rainbows is opposite in color order). I'm guessing that was one of their intended mistakes though.

But did they in 1928?

I'm not sure why he said "in the Utah desert" when it's not in the desert. It's right next to Utah Lake, and quite a ways away from what would be considered a true desert. Additionally, it's in Northern Utah, which is actually a colder climate. The area gets about 45in of snow per year, and we usually have

It's not in the desert. It's right next to one of the larger lakes in the state, actually. The area it is in is technically semi-desert. Though even if it were in the actual desert (out by the salt flats), it would be in a cold desert. Most of southern Utah is a hot desert, but that's a good 200 mi away from where

Erm. It's not really in the desert. In fact, it's right next to a lake. Most of Utah is semi-desert, so I guess, kind of? But that's not really an area that I'd call "in the Utah desert." That would be more south and west.

So she should scream at the store's employees who probably have absolutely nothing to do with her previous interactions with the company? You clearly have never worked in retail. Very, very rarely do your own mistakes come back to you. Far more often you deal with other people's fuck-ups, whether they be other people