Aaron Crabtree

Because then the customer will complain to the company's customer service, the customer service people will not really care what the store's side of the story is, and the manager will get in trouble because of it. That's not to say that we (I am a retail manager) don't sometimes just tell people to get lost, it's just

I've owned something like 6 Android phones since the G1, so believe me I know what you mean by slowing down. And I'm telling you that the Nexus 4 does not have that problem. The two biggest reasons for slowdown on older Android devices were 1, not enough RAM, and 2, poorly written code. 2GB of RAM is what the N4 uses,

This has better specs than the Nexus 4, and mine has never showed any signs of slowing down. What exactly makes you think this one will?

Now playing

Reminds me of this song (specifically 1:20ish)

I wonder if spraying it on concrete would make it really dangerous to walk on when it rains...

Toilet could be very useful if you have trouble with hard water stains. Maybe.

Have you tried spraying the toilet bowl itself, to prevent hard water (and other unpleasant) stains? Ooh, or maybe shower heads to keep them from getting hard water build up?

Are those really that nerdy? Am I so nerdy that I got all of them and didn't find them that nerdy? Come on, there weren't even any math jokes. Such as, "You're mom's so dumb, she thinks (a+b)^2 equals a^2 + b^2! *super nerdy laugh*"

Why should it not be hosted on a torrent site? It's open source software so it can be freely distributed by anyone. Oftentimes, torrents are used as mirrors in case the main server is down. What's wrong with it being downloadable as a torrent, exactly?

A lot of this is incorrect, actually. Feelings actually can be feedback about your mental health, the state of your life, and your dietary habits. Emotions are not just feedback from conscious though. In fact, emotions far predate conscious thought. They reside in the limbic system, which was around far earlier in our

This is really tempting. Reaaaaaally tempting. I've had one phone ever that I felt actually took adequate pictures (Motorola Zine ZN5, had a Kodak-made camera, Zeiss optics, an actual hardware shutter, and a Xenon flash), but it was a terrible phone. The 808 was the first phone I've seen that could even compete with

The easiest way to think about it is that the wider the aperture (and the lower the F-stop number), the more light you let in, and thus the less time it takes to expose a picture - i.e., it's faster.

I've heard Boise is nice, though I haven't spent a lot of time there. Most of my time in Idaho was spent in Rupert/Burley, which really is the middle of nowhere.

Haha, my mom is from Idaho and I have a lot of family there, so most of my making fun of Idaho is just innocuous teasing. There are parts of Idaho that I really do like, particularly Sun Valley. My cousin lives in Bellevue, and it's one of the nicer areas I've spent time in, at least in the summer.

Idaho and Wyoming. Sounds about right.

I'm not sure I'm buying this. Your brain is connected to each and every part of your body. Each little piece feeds information back and forth. Your brain knows how each piece works. Connect those pieces to a new brain, and suddenly you have stark differences in control. My muscles move differently than does anyone

It could just be caused by a congenital over-tightening of the IT band. That's what mine is. I've had ITBS since I was around 12, which has also caused rather severe chondramalacia patella, particularly in my right knee. I think the ITBS actually causes pronation more than the other way around, as I don't think I did

My whole life I've dealt with low self-esteem and other insecurities. About a year and a half ago, I had a very short-lived romantic fling with a girl that I recognized was short-lived completely because I was too insecure to be myself around her. This was the first moment that made me decide to change, but it wasn't

I think my favorite line of the movie may have been "They're turning Earth into Krypton." Said by General Swanwick, who had no way of knowing what Krypton was. Nor would the Martian Manhunter, if he really is going to be playing that character in the Justice League movies as well.

I actually hang around a lot of very intelligent people. And a lot of morons. Their intelligence doesn't seem to have any effect on their use of protection or their reasoning thereof. Also, if you'll notice, I didn't say they don't use protection, I said that they don't base their decisions on STD/STI prevention, but