Aaron Crabtree

Obviously nowhere near the same scale, but we used to play Halo on the movie screen at the theater I worked at. It was awesome.

Two big discoveries out of the U this week, and in totally different fields (this, and paleontology). Makes me feel a bit better about missing the NCAA tournament.

As long as they keep number forwarding, I don't really care. I'd honestly prefer it all be rolled into one service. Right now, the only way my Moto X will read my texts to me now is if I deal with the stupid pre-GV workaround and have 10 phone numbers in my phone for each person (because it randomly decides contacts

If it worked with something other than a Samsung phone I'd buy it. Easily the best looking and best featured smart watch I've seen, but I'm not ditching my Moto X just so I can use your damned smart watch, Sammy!

One thing I learned from a particularly terrible place: make sure the apartment has its own water heater. Seriously. Sharing a water heater is one of the worst things. You don't know if your shower will be (or stay) hot, you don't know when you can do dishes or other cleaning that needs hot water, and other seemingly

Yup. I hate when people talk up the half-Windsor. It's the ugliest knot. Want a thinner knot? Pull the knot tighter. I've gotten very thick ties to have fairly small knots just by pulling tighter. If you can't pull it tight enough, you're probably also trying to tie it too far up anyway (unless you have a crazy short

Seiko has somewhat distanced themselves from that in that the $100 watches they sell they market under the Pulsar brand (which are, incidentally, kinda crappy watches). Generally speaking Seiko watches will sell for around $500. However, the fact that you have the impression that Seiko sells inexpensive watches and is

Even sapphire crystals can be scratched. It's far more difficult than for a normal hardened mineral crystal, but it is not impossible. That heavily domed crystal is going to attract scratches. Especially seeing as those who would buy this watch are probably more likely to also own diamond jewelry, which is going to

As someone who works in customer service, remember that - while whining may help you - you are still dealing with people. Be polite, be friendly, recognize that any harm you've incurred is not the fault of the person you're talking to (as it almost never is). Also, if you come in to my store with a problem and you're

I think infinite energy is a bad term. It would be better to say long-term renewable energy. This is about the same thing as solar energy, just collecting it from a different, lower energy source (in fact, unless you're harnessing energy from vibrations caused by tectonic movement, this is technically still downstream

Probably not. You need low humidity.

Utah has 38 pleasant days per year. Sounds about right. The stupid thing is, they are probably mostly scattered throughout the year, with two, 2-week periods (what most other places call spring and fall) separated between our 6-7 month winter and our 4-5 month summer.

The Microsoft one was easily the best, but I can't say I agree with the rest of your rankings...at all. The TurboTax one was easily better than most of the ones on this list - and I would bet money it was the most effective. I guarantee a large number of people pulled out their laptop or tablet right then and started

Yeah... His wife totally can't make her own decisions on what car to drive...

Ed Sheeran does something similar in his concerts. Though to go to an Ed Sheeran concert you have to be able to withstand thousands of shrieking 14-year-olds for a couple hours. Not the best scenario.

Salt Lake Looks to be close to the line. Buuuut there's currently a snow storm. Lame. Lame, lame, lame, lame lame.

This can add evidence in support of string theory or disprove it. It cannot prove it. In science, we use null hypothesis testing. The null hypothesis in this case is that string theory is incorrect (or, more appropriately, it is incorrect if in fact the test is a valid measure of the hypothesis), which you attempt to

Makes sense. Gatorade is also great at night, but DO NOT drink it if you wake up nauseated. It just makes you puke more (too much sugar).

Just remember, we who are not lightweights spend far more money on drinks. The almost total lack of hangovers is great, but god I wish I could buy fewer than three drinks to even begin feeling a buzz. I don't really care to get shit-faced most of the time, but whenever I do, I regret it the next day because my wallet

And one more stranger! Whenever I clicked on a post without knowing who wrote it and it ended up being very good, it was inevitably one of yours. Thanks for the great work, and good luck at your next endeavor!