Aaron Crabtree

Well, I had to download it for some-odd reason a few months ago, so that was the last time I used it. The last time I used it on a Mac was about a year and a half ago. And it was awful. By "going back to using a PC" I meant I could get rid of using iTunes, because there's no good substitute on Mac, whereas on PC there

iTunes on Android would be the worst thing in the world. Why? Because eventually someone would try to make it a standard, and iTunes is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever used. My favorite thing about going back to using a PC was that I could stop using that bloated, slow, worthless piece of trash.

Fewer lawsuits, not less. lawsuits are a countable, and thus you use the word fewer and not less.

Personally, I think the Nook display works just fine. I've never had a complaint about it. Also, I don't like reading without a lamp on, so having it front-lit doesn't matter at all to me (I have the Simple Touch w/o Glow Light). At that point it came down to which was more comfortable to hold, in which case the Nook

Zero. Fuck that shit on my desktop.

"...ARM chip or Tegra 3." Um...Tegra 3 is an ARM chip. Just sayin'.

Thanks for making me even more depressed that my camera got stolen yesterday :/ Stupid Sony RX1 and its stupid amazing pictures and all I have now is my stupid cameraphone...

I just ousted Nathan A. as the mayor of 7th St Entry Womens Bathroom! on @foursquare! 4sq.com/bNe40r

So, back when these http://asia.cnet.com/top-cell-phones-of-2003-39163062.htm were the best cell phones, you were the only person with a landline? Riiiiiiiiight.

Me too. Especially since I can't really stand the movies. That at least gave a lot of people a slower let-down.

Exactly. Or any of the other books written set in the LotR universe (Silmarilion, War of the Ring, etc.)

Hells to the fucking yes I would. And I love driving. But god dammit I don't always feel like driving. In fact, other than when I'm going driving for fun, I pretty much never feel like driving.

I'd almost prefer prequels. Maybe a series about early Hogwarts, or the first war with Voldemort. If they were sequels I think I'd want ones that were a ways down the line, and didn't really have anything to do with Harry Potter other than it takes place in the same universe. Alternatively, it'd be awesome if she

Uh, the books pretty much never lose money. They ensure that there is even betting on both sides by moving the line prior to the game, and then take a percentage of the winnings. So, no, this is probably costing them a lot of money. It never said they weren't fulfilling the Seahawks bets, only that they were refunding


Uhh...your own internal research doesn't invalidate their claim. It just means that you guys are part of the 10% that use their left thumb. However many people work at your blog, it's far too small a sample size to do any sort of generalization from. So, uh. There's that.

Ed Wood (the movie), on the other, is a fantastically hilarious show. "He really does look just like Bela." "Yeah, but I'd like to see him call Karloff a limey cocksucker."

Gotta say you're awesome, Molly. I always enjoy your articles, and now you post some Deftones? Just plain awesome.

I think I might upgrade my C3 to this sometime in the next year or so. This seems to fit my needs and likes better than the NEX-7 or 5R does, and would be a good upgrade from my C3.

Remember the Giz post from about a year ago, saying how they missed the old Sony. Anyone else feel like Sony was listening - or at least coincidentally figured their shit out since then?