Aaron Crabtree

Thanks for this Adrian! I've been debating between buying a Nexus 7 (or previously a Kindle Fire) or a Kindle/Nook for a long time, and couldn't decide if I cared about the other things enough to buy a tablet. Plus, I've never been sure how much difference an E-Ink screen makes, not ever having used one long-term.

I kept my T-Mobile G2 even after I upgraded to the Galaxy Nexus. I think I'm going to take it apart and make wall art of it, but for now it's just sitting on my desk. My G2 was the first smart phone that I really, truly loved. The G1 was great but even when it was brand new the hardware was just too outdated. The

You don't throw a way a brand name just because it doesn't make sense. The best corollary would be sports teams that have moved markets. There's not much jazz in Utah (seriously, we don't have any jazz clubs; it's depressing), yet our basketball team is still named the Utah Jazz. There aren't any lakes near LA, but

Mullets are never OK. This tech is pretty cool, though.

Am I the only person who wants a 15" tablet/laptop combo? I wouldn't be surprised if I am, as it's kind of an odd thing to want. But I really do want it. Any other weirdos like me out there?

Can't tell if sarcastic or actually a terrible photographer who thinks having a good camera makes you good...

She's famous for having huge, jiggly boobs. Essentially.

I think you're right, but they could always be OLED panels.

It's definitely a VAST improvement over the most recent system. Thanks for that. However, it still needs some work.

As someone who used to work with one of the "little guys," I can tell you that all of this patent bullshit does not make it so that little guys can compete better. In fact, it makes it damned near impossible for them to even get in the market.

I guess I phrased that poorly. By "What's the point?" I meant that it doesn't really appeal to me in any way, shape, or form. Not that it couldn't have a point for other people.

It's quite depressing knowing that you can't vote for a Republican because they tell you straight up they're not doing what you want, and you can't vote for a Democrat because - despite the fact that they're telling you they'll do what you want - they're not doing what you want either.

I remember it the same way bisby did.

I can't bring myself to do it. I just feel awkward with things like that. I guess if you have a long distance thing goin' on, then after a while it might be helpful. But if you see your significant other daily (or close to), then what's the point?

I'd had my old board since 2001 until I finally decided to upgrade last year. I'm so glad I did, though. But then my old board was way too small for me and was kind of a cheap board when I bought it. So if you still love yours, then hey, keep on riding what you've got!

At first I was a little confused about the shorter board, because - from personal experience - you generally do NOT want to ride a board that is too short for you. I rode on a 151 for years, despite the fact that I'm 6'0" tall (I bought it when I was 12) and don't ride in the park at all. When I finally could afford

Mormons believe in life on other planets. They actually believe that God lives on another planet called Kolob (well, technically Kolob is the planet that is closest to God). Now, if you ask your random Mormon whether or not they believe in life on other planets, you may get different answers. But the theology clearly

Australian ingenuity at its finest.


This is awful, absolutely. However, it does not look make a company where people were committing suicide so often that they had to install nets to catch jumpers look like a game of spin the bottle. Just because Sammy's doing something terrible does NOT make Apple's problems look any better.