Aaron Crabtree

:| Please leave the internet, and do it now. Alright, alright, alright. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. But really, comparing The Simpsons to ATHF? I don't think even my ATHF loving friends would think to do such a thing. Granted, we did grow up in the golden era of The Simpsons, but..come on...Really?

Music is such an interesting and, quite frankly, bizarre thing when you think about it. Why do we respond so well to mathematical groupings of tones? What evolutionary advantages built up to give us such an odd trait? Is there some evolutionary benefit to music in and of itself - such as community building? I find it

I certainly wasn't suggesting there aren't other intelligent athletes, I was just mentioning two that were close to my mind, as a lifelong Utah fan and a current Utah student.

Technically this just says that the smarter players tend to play better. Now I'm certainly not arguing that there aren't intelligent jocks, as Alex Smith and Andrew Luck are perfect examples of jocks who are extremely intelligent. I'm just saying that this particular study doesn't prove that they have high generalized

I'd be quite surprised if it wasn't a hat-tip to Neil Young. In fact I think in the comics it references it. But I could just be making shit up.

That GIF pretty much perfectly described my reaction. At least in my head, since I'm in class and actually doing that would look a little odd.

Haha, you have no reason to regret it. You were correct, and you should never apologize for making sure there isn't false information out there floating around that people might believe. I think it's important. Especially if it's coming from teachers, which I'll eventually be. Though my students will be college

Hm. You are correct that the way I phrased it is absolutely incorrect. No one invented fire. But, had I phrased it better, and said, "that invented a means of using fire," I would argue would be correct. Or at least, arguably correct.

That's incredible! That actually predates our genus! In other words, not only was it not humans (Homo sapiens) that invented fire, it was something more in between us and chimps. That's just plain crazy.

I actually wonder if the her leading him thing was intentional, I noticed it too. Same with the flat emotion, I think it may have been to move the focus to their legs. Or I could be giving them far more credit than they deserve.

I didn't see what you did there.

The worst part about this is that Kickstarter is kind of a pain in the ass to deal with. We tried to use them to raise money to start a haunted house, and they were so annoying to deal with that we eventually just said screw 'em and went to IndieGoGo instead. IndieGoGo is even worse for this sort of thing, because

Talking on a cell phone while driving is, in and of itself, bad. It is distracting and has been verified by ten years of research to cause much greater distraction than almost anything else.

Wait...a law that actually follows with what research suggests they should be doing - research that is almost ten years old now?! Shocking.

Actually this law is consistent with experimental evidence, which shows that any form of talking on a cell phone is distracting, not just if your hand is tied up. It also shows that talking to someone in the car is not as distracting as talking to someone on the phone. There are several theories as to why, but none of

They're not sure why just yet, but there is a much lower level of distraction when talking to someone in the car. There are several theories as to why it happens, but none of them have been experimentally verified yet, but my professors keep telling me it'd be a great senior thesis or project for my human factors

This would've been nice back when I was getting allergy shots. 2 shots a day, 2-4 days a week could be unpleasant. Generally it wasn't an issue, but one nurse always made my arms hurt. I feel that if she had one of these maybe that wouldn't have been a problem. I always hated walking in and seeing her working.

First of...Really?

This seems like another one of those Gizmodo hit-bait articles, that unilaterally declares anything they don't agree with dumb and wrong and just absolutely incomprehensible.

Don't forget photography. Tons of photographers love to talk about how much better G+ is than the other networks for them