Aaron Crabtree

I love my Sony NEX-C3. The best part about it is that it still has the full size APS-C sensor, rather than the much smaller 4/3. It's also the smallest of the compact systems camera category. My only issue with it thus far (really, my ONLY issue) is that there's no way to hook a remote to it, so to use bulb mode you

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. It's a cool suspension, but it's not active. Bose created an actual active suspension system a few years back that scans the road a head and uses electromagnets to adjust the wheel height. It can even make the car jump. the only reason it's not in anything is I think it costs

I've had everyone describe it to me, and I thought it would be a little cooler. I bet it looks a little better when the roof is closed. Oh, yeah. The place has a frickin' retractable roof.

Uh...it's open more than 4 days a week. The only day it's closed is Sunday [www.shopcitycreekcenter.com] , and even then Restaurants that serve alcohol can stay open (though they're the only ones). Don't get me wrong, they do have insane rules. My brother-in-law manages a bakery that is in one of the buildings, but

Dear America:

I had to do it in elementary school, and you basically just put the thread through the grid of holes, making little Xs. I guess it could be more difficult than I remember, but I remember it being easy, and I'm not exactly artsy.

Cross-stitching is probably the easiest form of sewing ever.

I've found the same thing. I remember the first time I had their guac, I was in heaven. The second time I had it, I was sorely disappointed and thought I had been duped. Oh well, once avocados come into season, I'll go buy some and try this out and not have to worry about their possible duping.

I'm somewhat out of shape, and I can hold my legs suspended for a good minute or so, and I have fairly long legs (I'm 6'0", and have longer legs than my friend who is 6'2"). So the whole, "his legs are in the air" complaint is a little silly.

You mean the tire tracks that you can also see at :47 and that you can clearly see him land directly where you saw them from the air? Notice the proximity to the bushes.

So, let me get this straight. These guys spend months engineering and creating a design of a human bird-wing suit. The design stands up to scrutiny, and should in theory work, as per a lot of different people's math. The creators, however, don't actually create said suit, but instead film a fake video of it in action,

I'm fairly certain OIS is in the lens on the Sony, but I'm not positive that the 16mm pancake lens has OIS.

Can I just say that your Happy Hour posts are quite possibly my favorite thing ever about Gizmodo? Because if I can say it, I think I will. Ah, to hell with, I'm going to say it anyway! Happy Hour posts are quite possibly my favorite thing ever about Gizmodo.

I actually enjoy the sounds and such in dubstep, but just like so many other things before (screaming, growling, autotune, etc.), it's only good when used as an accent to your song, and not the entire thing. At least in my opinion. I just can't listen to an entire song where it's all that sort of stuff.

I'm curious as to what time period this species lived in. It looks like it could be another intermediary between H. habilis and early H. sapiens, as it has the strong brow ridge, but no chin. Then again, the cheek bones look to be larger than either ours or H. habilis, which means they would have had to have gotten

I think my favorite thing is that they're saying that Santorum-Gingrich is their "dream ticket" for November.

Uh...what? I never said a word about anodizing, jackass. All I said is that at low amperage, 10,000 volts won't melt aluminum. But, since you brought it up (again) THIS ISN'T ANODIZING, as numerous other people have said. So there's no reason to correct myself, as I was and am right.

Guinness is pretty much the only beer that I actually like. I can tolerate most other beers, but Guinness is the only one that I will really enjoy. Also, beer generally makes me ill for a couple of days after I drink it if I drink more than a pint (I'm assuming there's some allergy or something going on, which is why