Aaron Crabtree

No, 10,000 volts would not (literally) melt aluminum necessarily. 10,000 volts is fairly meaningless unless you also have high amperage. It is completely possible, for instance, to survive 10,000 volts going through your body, assuming it's at very low amperage. It's still not recommended, because it can give you a

I spent a lot of time on AIM, but I long, long ago switched to Windows Messenger because the application was so much better, and then long ago pretty much ditched messenger at all. Now I'm quite opposed to computer-based chat outside of necessary purposes. I'll text someone if I have to give them quick information, if

Haha, true. Which is probably why they called them Velociraptors instead.

Hey! As a life-long Utahan, I take offence to you saying Utah isn't menacing! Actually, it's true. Totally true. Still, I've always been proud of the fact that the badass that is the Utahraptor came from this lame state. Mainly because it gives us something else besides Mormons and (admittedly amazing) snow.

Both the Deinonychus and the Utahraptor were actually quite tall, and the Deinonychus was what the raptors in Jurassic Park were modeled after.

Nope. 6'0" 135 is a BMI of 18.3. Normal BMI range is 18.5-24.9.

I'm pretty similar to you, just taller. I'm 6'0" 150 (PS, both you and I are still in the normal BMI range. People used to tell me I was underweight, but I have a BMI of 20.3), and I can't do a damned thing to gain weight. For something like 4 years, I was 6'0" 135 (which is actually BARELY underweight), and that was

Wow, Brent, really? I knew that someone had posted on Google's stance on how they're going to work with Motorola on the site, but the hilarious thing is, YOU DID! [gizmodo.com] So there's that. Plus there's this. [gizmodo.com] Granted, it's not from you, but it is still posted on your site. So, uh...That's why they're

I somehow doubt that many cities have gotten rid of Red Bull vodka, mainly because they're perfectly OK to serve in Salt Lake. And we have some super bizarre drinking laws (see [www.parkcity-guide.com]). It may be illegal in a few cities, but if it's not illegal here, I'd bet it's pretty rare.

Erm...the hippocampus doesn't control short term memory. The hippocampus is instrumental in encoding short term memory to long term memory, as best demonstrated by the patients HM and Clive Wearing. Short term memory lasts about 15-20 seconds, and without it, you can't really do anything.

Did you accidentally buy Going Rouge instead of Going Rogue? Just curious, since you misspelled it...

Maybe. I've heard a lot of people say the same thing about him, even before the Daily Show episode. If he ran for President, I'd vote for him in an instant.

This was actually done by a specific activist back 2003 because of some rather vitriolic things Santorum said about homosexuals. Dan Savage (the earlier referred to activist) then decided to make Santorum's name into a neologism, asking for suggestions from his readers. The lovely frothy mixture was the one he liked

Stupid Gizmodo won't let me edit. I tried again just typing on the start screen and it works fine. Not sure why it didn't before, but my concern about Metro just dropped a ton when I realized it worked.

Someone somewhere said something about being able to enable it in Boot Camp somehow. I wish I remembered where, but I don't, and not being a Mac user I can't help you directly. Either that, or you should see if you can download the drivers somewhere. I had to manually install the drivers for my trackpad to get

Do you not have a scroll wheel? Every scroll bar works with two finger scrolling on my laptop (once I installed the drivers). Personally my biggest complaint is that I can no longer hit the Windows key and type the program I want to run. If my computer had a dedicated search key, it would be fine, but having to mouse

So far I'm not 100% positive whether or not I like it on my laptop. I will say, however, that it has me dying for someone to make a 15" convertible Tablet/Notebook. I'm probably dreaming, but I can't stand to not have a 15" screen, and I feel like Win8 would be killer on a tablet.

As I was saying to someone else, my guess is it will be quite a while longer. We can now (if this pans out) receive and send signals from and to the brain, but those are simple go/no-go signals, not actual encoded communication. Basically we're sending and receiving 1s and 0s, but our brains don't actually communicate

We're not quite there yet. Unfortunately we still don't exactly understand the encoding our brains use for information, so we can't interface with it. Nerves, on the other hand, communicate by a simple "Go/No-go" code. Either there's a signal (the action potential) or there's not (the resting potential). All neurons

Well everyone feels affects in their own way, it's sort of a personal thing. In fact, it basically means emotions. Really, I'm not sure it's possible to feel more or less affect, it's more whether it's positive or negative affect.