Aaron Crabtree

@RacecarBoobTat: Uhhh…I'm gonna give you a chance to catch your own mistake.

@accipiter: At first I thought it was gonna be something about Nickelback, and I was going to vomit.

@snap_understeer_ftw: I'll give you a hint. "Nickle" sounds kind of like a racial slur that refers to a particular US minority when said quick enough. Often this word is used in conjunction with the word "please" in a common colloquial phrase.

@Skunky: I read, "What the fuck? Ha! Pwnd!"

@Nitesh: It's the one where Leonard sleeps with some girl, who then sleeps with Howard and Raj too…I think. If I'm wrong, I'm quite sorry.

@ivan-the-terrible: So after having read both of those that you linked, I'm pretty sure they're actually different materials. They're structurally similar, but that doesn't mean much. Saying that two materials are the same simply because of structural similarity would carry the implication that such things as

@Norbs: I'd say that's a good thing, for both companies and for the consumer.

@The SmacK: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" —Arthur C. Clarke

As a life-long Jazz fan, I approve your John Stockton shout out. I only wish that, as I wrote this, I was a couple miles west of where I am, so I could be writing it from John Stockton Boulevard. Unless it's an avenue, I can never remember.

@twilight-arc: Haha, I see the crab too. Now it looks most like a mosquito.

Anyone else think it kind of looks like the NBC peacock?

@xido: "Just look at the ipod. The ipad is just the next ipod in terms of market-dominating success."

@Robotronic: "I also question some of the features, like a 5 megapixel camera in the back. When would you ever hold up a 10" device to take a picture?"

@Dr_Watson: This is the first legitimate concern anyone has raised.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: But 2 or 4 completely separate axles don't wear unevenly? Come on now, electric motors don't wear out that fast. In fact, they last a lot longer than pretty much anything else in a car.

Why on earth do all of these electric cars run on single motors? It makes zero sense to me. There should be 2 or 4 electric motors, which are mounted directly behind the wheels. It frees up more space for the batteries, and it uses less energy. Anywhere you can cut out mechanical linkages, you should; everywhere

@Ghinn: Hahaha, brilliant!

@Monty: Every day I find another reason for someone to invent a sarcasm font…

Called it. The easiest way to tell was that the one on the right was visible spectrum, which is pretty much all that amateurs can photograph in. Mainly because infrared telescopes are…well, they're a bit massive. And expensive.