Aaron Crabtree

Your formatting is all kinds of screwy…

@jupiterthunder: Well that's just stupid marketing on their part, then. Because I'm positive I'm not the only one who looked at it, thought, that looks uncomfortable, and wrote it off.

So not only is this incredibly dorky, but that's gotta be hell on your neck. If you're gonna make something like this, don't you make it so it sits at eye level, or at least closer to it? Looking down like that just can't be that much fun.

@J Dub: Standardization would be great. I've owned 4 Android phones (G1, Droid, LG Ally, G2), and all of them have different arrangements. I can't really think which one was the best, but it is always annoying when I first switch, I'll constantly hit the wrong button.

@bigcamcrsx: So I never use the search button to open up the search box. But I use it CONSTANTLY for voice search. Need to go somewhere? Hold it down and say, "Navigate to somewhere." Need to send a text? Hold it down and say, "Send text to someone; Hey what's up question mark."

I really hope this idea of "no buttons" doesn't become the norm. I'm not a fan. Not at all. I like real buttons. I'll take soft buttons if I can't get hard buttons, but I like real, permanent buttons that never move, and are always exactly the same, exactly where I need them.

Nice job making people confident in your skills at content distribution, Verizon…

@John Addis: But…but…but…but Apple says that Flash is bad! And that HTML5 can act as a complete replacement for it, RIGHT NOW! Are you telling me that Apple is lying? And that, in fact, Flash really isn't that terrible (ie, it can run on my G2 without any lag), and HTML5 isn't really ready for prime time?!

@ripfire: So Engadget says it's just an accessory, not something that you plug into an everyday laptop. Not being at CES this year (which I'm rather bugged about), I can't tell you which it actually is.

@adam.bath: No, it's not alpha at all. It is somewhat beta, as occasionally it'll run into bugs, but I've been using it for the past few days without any major issues. If you can find a good build for the Droid, I'd recommend it. Though I just took a peek to see what was out there, and it seems like the Droid builds

@ripfire: Yeah, I just went and looked back at it again, my bad. I don't like the idea anymore. In fact, I don't really understand the point of it. Now, if it made it a laptop (like the old Palm Foleo) then I could at least see the point. I really have no idea what the point of this was.

@adam.bath: LIES! No other phone officially has 2.3. My G2 is sittin pretty on 2.3 right now :).

@ripfire: Uh…because it's not "dock to a regular laptop," it's "dock it so it IS a laptop". See the difference?

@AngryBeaver: Someone really needs to invent a sarcasm font…

@AngryBeaver: You should really go read the post on complaints of biasED editors.

@Jurai: Oh! It's UMTS, not CDMA. WCDMA!=CDMA, it's actually a GSM-based technology - what AT&T and T-Mo use. Which means it would need 1700 or 1900 to work on one of their networks.

@Jurai: Maybe, I dunno. I haven't read too much into the M9 specifically. I just know I've seen China-only phones being used in America on VZW. Granted, the guy using it was an engineer for Huawei, but still.

Timex has had watches that have vibrating alarms for a long time.

@anitesh.jaswal: …No. Not really at all. Because not every organism has a temperature of around 37 degrees Celcius. There's quite a wide variance, actually.