Aaron Crabtree

@bilbopoop: No, those odds are not incredibly slim compacted onto each other. You're ignorant of statistics, chemistry, physics, and evolutionary biology if you think that. Believe in a creator all you want. But don't try and bring statistics into it.

@pseudorocket: Good point. The phone market here is just so bizarre, in way too many ways to count.

@pseudorocket: Haha, a "choice" of two or three major carriers which are all owned and operated by the Chinese government. Though I guess they are still do compete, just in a very weird way.

@pseudorocket: A drag queen in a possum costume with an orangey spray on tan?

I like the giant peach, actually. That's pretty cool.

@McKenzie with a Y: I beat the original game, all with 3 stars, and then decided to delete the game as it was taking over my life. And then my friend convinced me to try the seasons version. Now I'm re-hooked.

This was funny, but not at all indicative of any of the grad students I've encountered. I'm sure these sort of grad students do exist, but those that I've met are, determined, hardworking people, who are generally getting paid - either for research, teaching, or both.

@SEDAGIVE?!: So I love this, because it implies that Brigham Young University (my school's rival, and my least favorite school in the world) is not actually a university. However, it's not really accurate.

@The Project: Call of Halo: There's an app called Bar Control that will give you the app shortcuts, and it may also give you the power control stuff, I don't remember. If not, you could always root and go all CM 6.1 on your phone's ass. It has those in there, and it's one of my favorite new features in CM 6.

@Captain K'nuckles: I usually agree, and I don't like the T-Mobile logo on my G2, but both the HTC and G2 logos on it I actually like. Probably because they're simply etched into the metal backing, so you can't really see them from far away. They're understated, in a way that logos almost never are.

@Zonky: Well that option isn't really new. We've had full-screen apps for a very long time, it's not really anything "new". My guess is that it's an intermediary step between how it is now, and how Apple wants it to be - which is just like iOS (again, this is just speculation). First, you build in a full-screen mode

@tylerbrainerd: Heh, so my time frames were a bit off. Ok, a lot off. My bad.

So now two OS manufacturers have made the rather interesting decision to rewind computing 30 years. Not that I really prefer it one way or another, but I find it really interesting that full-screen applications is now being billed as a feature. At one point, it was the other way around. Non-full-screen applications

@m1ndtr1p: Also, he could be a transplant from England to America, who perhaps attended Colorado, or maybe is even just a fan. And that is just the school's athletic logo, not specifically the football team.

@m1ndtr1p: Ooh, close, but no cigar. that's the University of Colorado, the Buffalos. Colorado St would be the Rams, and their colors are green and white, not black and gold.

@GetRevenge32: Black means there's so little light reaching your eye that the optical nerves are not adequately stimulated for your brain to infer a color. White means there are equal parts of red, green, and blue hitting your eye - or, alternatively, the amplitude (brightness) of the light wave hitting your eye is

@holy holes batman: Gordon Hayward, the first-round draft pick of the Utah Jazz, came into my store yesterday. Just for a point of reference, he just signed a $10-million contract. He found the idea of a $208 bag insane.

@WestwoodDenizen: Most psychological tests will use things like that in order to avoid the confound.