Aaron Crabtree

@RainbowSuspenders: Me and my friend always sit and wonder what we used to do online for hours on end when we were younger.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Do you mean stock Android? Because Sony's been using Android for well over a year now. And they make Google TV products, which are based on Android.

@AwokeKnowing: Good lord, I said that's a teaser, not that it was the same thing because IT TAKES A VERY FUCKING LONG TIME FOR A CELL TO EVOLVE! Sorry to shout, I'm just very tired, as I've been working on god damned stats (stats, ya know that thing you seem to think you know more about than anyone else in the world)

@AwokeKnowing: Making it self-replicating is the hard part. That's what's called abiogenesis, aka life from not-life. What, do you expect them to evolve into single-celled organisms in a couple of years? Are you kidding me? I mean, it's already evolving, but you want it to evolve from simple self-replicating RNA to

@SkipErnst: Mmm…not really, no. Self-winding watches work by spinning a weight around in circles, which either winds up a spring (mechanical) or powering a small electromagnetic generator (kinetic). This is based on a principle called magnetostriction - which I'm not even going to try and pretend to know anything

@AwokeKnowing: After all this about me saying the probabilities don't change, and now they have.

@AwokeKnowing: Um…actually, the formation of self-replicating molecules from non-self-replicating molecules has already been demonstrated in a lab. And it even evolves. You seem to think that life is some sort of physical miracle. The same physics that dictate solar system and planetary formation also dictate life.

@AwokeKnowing: No, no, no. You're confusing probabilities with outcome statistics.

@AwokeKnowing: PS, part of the problem here is that they're presenting the Drake Equation wrong. The Drake Equation is not a probability engine. It actually has a probability (yay, typed it right that time!) in it, which then yields the number of supposed worlds containing life as measured by the assumed probability

@AwokeKnowing: Mmm. So they're not right either, but you're slightly mistaken.

@Ahubbuch: I swear I heard gears turning in her neck when she did that little head movement. Ok, not really, but I imagined them.

@petergriffin325: Are you using a brand of humor that I'm ignorant of, or are you being serious? Remains to be seen would be the correct usage there.

@nutbastard: I actually helped gather data for a study that a professor at my school (the University of Utah) is doing on distracted driving, and his research is one of the large contributors to this issue. His findings (as well as those by many others) show that texting while driving is as dangerous as driving drunk,

"…these are the prime tenants of net neutrality" should be tenets. Tenants are people who pay you to live in a space you own, tenets are supporting principles.

Ouch, pricing fail. I'll keep my $30/mo HSPA+, which is a tad slower, but plenty fast for me.

@Y2KGTP: It flies like one.