Aaron Crabtree

That's amazing. He was moving that in real time. Like…while he was recording it. That's nuts.

In other news, the garden pathway light market suddenly collapsed.

Wow. This is the first not-positive review I've read of the Tab. It's all good though, I still want the Notion Ink Adam.

But there's no B, A, or Start! How could I do up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start?!

What would be cool is if, along with voice recognition, they employed vocal pattern recognition for things like emotion. So, for instance, if I'm in a really hyper mood, and I want to listen to music, I say, "XBox, play music," in an excited manner, it starts playing upbeat music. Or, when I'm mopey, I like to listen

Hack to run with GoogleTV? That'd be nifty.

@Justin: I'm fairly sure that it's nearly all done on the Kinect. At least that was the impression I took from all of the reviews I've read.

@njdevil: Man, these two kids are like the kids I hung out with in 7th grade. A few amazing skaters, and a couple amazing drummers. Only they're little kids instead of middle school/high school kids. What the fuck…

@SuramaAte: They said than most teenagers. Having skated when I was a teenager, I can assuredly tell you, he is better than most. Is he better than the good teenage skaters? Hell no. But he is definitely far more skilled than your average teenage skater.

@nbsp: You're absolutely right, of course, but I wasn't really commenting on overt racism, only on the subtle racism of the majority - particularly in its patronization of the minority. While my comment wasn't really much to do with the original post, it was a train of thought derived from the post, which said

@I. Heart. Cars.: You're right on both counts. Like I said, I didn't really mean to go off on a rant, it just happened.

I always thought that it came across as somewhat racist. It's not just this movie either. In popular media, it is almost always a white person who gives a black person a push out the door before they can do something great. Otherwise, the black person would never do it.

Ah! This needs to come to Android. Ready, set…NOW!

@Aaron Crabtree: Ah, you made the video. Still awesome to use the Bieber song. It's the only way he's listenable.

Oh my God, that's amazing!

Damned deep red Utah…

That's awesome. I often cut up old plastic cards to use as guitar picks (I'm not very good, so the pick doesn't make much difference to me), but this would make them the exact right shape, rather than my somewhat triangular picks.

@Tommy Five: Heh. Spanish for 5 years has mostly left me, but I still remember ALT + 0241 for ñ. And that's when I haven't primarily used a PC in several years, too.

Wow. That would be nuts. Google and Apple are two of them most diametrically opposed companies out there, and I think it's worked out amazingly for the marketplace. I don't really like Apple much (though I used to be a bit of a fanboy), but I think their existence and stance on things has pushed Google to do a lot of

This would explain a lot. I have a lot of gay friends, and thus, I get a lot of gay ads. I live in a red state, and thus have a lot of conservative friends, so I get a lot of Republican ads. I have a lot of Mormon friends, and so I get a lot of Mormon ads.