Aaron Crabtree

Awww, that's so sweet and cute. Congrats, Sean and Katie!

@Hellaphunt: But at least you can have the gimped iPhone on T-Mo. With the new solution, even that wouldn't work.

@t-man152: My friend's dad sent a letter to Quizno's telling them that he would stop eating there until they took those ads off the air. He was a bit of a crackpot…

@ItsMeMasih: If you don't like the keyboard, the MyTouch HD is probably a better phone for you. They're nearly identical, except the keyboard and the front-facing cam. And the custom skin, but assuming the G2 gets rooted, the method they figure out should apply to the MyTouch as well. So that (hopefully) won't make a

@ItsMeMasih: I've been following it pretty closely, and as of now, they're all kind of stumped. The problem is that the write protection on the NAND is set either by the bootloader or the radio, which are both extremely difficult to exploit as they aren't open source, so everything has to be reverse-engineered. Also,

@lindamller: The realist in me agrees with you, but the techy dork in me says, "But it's such a cool plane!"

@3choTh1s: I'm glad there are other people who drive like this. It would make driving on the freeway so much better if everyone did. Or at least, I'm assuming from what you said that you understand the concept of "accelerate to merge," rather than braking.

@Jackstick: Haha, damn, you caught me!

@David Vaughan: Because you can tell from a hurried comment on a blog how well I write.

@ItsMeMasih: Way too rounded at the top to be a G2. I really wish that it were the G2, but I have no idea how they'd get it on there. Unless, of course, it was an official build, with officially signed by HTC keys, and all that jazz.

@Jackstick: Dude. Pretty sure that was a joke. I'm checking my satire-detector reading, and it's saying:

Also, the full-screen apps in Lion. This was something he bashed a lot longer ago. (Think waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back), but it was still something Apple did to differentiate themselves - not requiring full-screen apps. Even today, on Snow Leopard, we don't have a "maximize button," something that Windows has had since

Please God, let the stupid effing G2 (which I only call "stupid effing" because of the lack of permaroot. As a completely random sidenote, holy shit this phone is amazing, especially when overclocked to 1.32GHz [which is the highest my phone would be stable at]) be able to run modded kernels by the time this comes

@Reginald Atkins: They did the same thing with Snow Leopard, and I think maybe even Leopard.

Gotta love how even their advertising photos have the colors overblown, just like pictures taken with the cameras in their little iPhones will look.

@JDickson87: This was a preview. Though it still seemed pretty flaccid.

Macintosh: once differentiated by not needing full-screen apps; now differentiated by having full-screen apps.