Aaron Crabtree

Damn. He's pretty freaking amazing. He should've turned up the bass a bit on the mix, all I can hear is the singer, and can barely hear those crazy things he's doing on the bass.

@mfrazee3193: Oh man, talk about product placement fail…

@Patrick Cortes: I feel exactly the same way. I was 16 when Revenge of the Sith came out. The date May 19th will probably never be removed from my brain (the date that Episode III came out in theaters).

"perhaps relinquish more control of his creation to other artists and storytellers"

I wonder if that means that non-in-ear buds will actually fit me now, without bruising my ears.

Uhhhmm…Android makes Google money through search revenue. As will Google TV. Cuz, ya know, Android is free and open source. So, technically, while they probably aren't making as much from Android (yet), Android is a part of that search revenue, not a separate entity. How else do you think they make money off of

It's actually free on the marketplace, too. I tried to dl it from GetJar, and it wouldn't work, so I figured I'd check the price on Market, and, lo and behold, it was free! Hooray!

Of course the film company likes it, now that he's won awards with it, and it's gotten so much press.

I really feel like you're completely writing off the diversity factor. You're talking about it like the ONLY reason Android has succeeded is because of Verizon's marketing. That's just silly. Sure, most people have no idea what an "Android" is, and that's a very bad thing. But, long before Android came to VZW, I knew

You make it sound like Jobs learned that he was human, and that he could make mistakes while he was away from Apple. It seems to me like Jobs became MORE convinced he was God, not less.

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: What the fuck, seriously? I wasn't trolling, I thought you were ignorant of the option. Sometimes people don't notice shit, even when it's right in front of their faces. And, I've actually heard people who DIDN'T know that the PS3 had a search option in Netflix.

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Well, but you didn't specify in your post that you can't do that on a TiVo. No one else said anything about TiVo. If you'd said, "I appreciate content search on the device, as TiVo doesn't have that…" then OK. But otherwise, your post didn't make much sense. But whatever, this is the ultimate

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: Yeah, except imagine how amazing it would be to have SEARCH on the PS3. I use my PS3 as my music playing device, for no reason other than it's the most convenient, and oh my god, I loathe having to find a song I want to listen to.

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: The disc version of PS3 has search. It's right up at the top, there's three tabs: Search, Instant Queue, and Recently Watched. I even just verified it by doing a quick search.

Looks like Sony updated the post, and it now says 1080p, not 1080i #corrections - kinda, anyway?

Yes! Finally! That really just made my day. Not that my day has been great today, so it doesn't take much, but still. That's awesome.